[NABS-L] your invited to join the Ohio Association of blind students September 1, 2023 for our bi-weekly business meeting.

Shane Popplestone spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 18:58:46 UTC 2023

Good afternoon federationists,
Please come join us for our bi-weekly meeting this Friday, September 1, 
2023 starting at 8:00 PM eastern, 5:00 PM pacific.
This will be a business meeting, but even if your a student, even an out 
of state, your welcome.  your not a student? your still welcome!
Attached as microsoft word files and pasted in plain text below my 
signature is the agenda and the meeting minutes from our August 4, 2023 
Please remember only active dues paying members can vote, and make and 
second motions, but anyone is welcome to contribute during discussions 
about motions.
Hope to see you all their!
Shane Popplestone
vice president of the Ohio Association of blind students
co-chair of the ohio newsline committee
member of the Grater Akron Chapter
member of Ohio Association of Guide Dog users
spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
You can live the life you want!
Ohio association of blind students, all members business meeting

September 1, 2023.

Meeting Conducted by zoom.


One tap mobile

+16473744685,,83171167510#,,,,*6227# Canada

+16475580588,,83171167510#,,,,*6227# Canada

Meeting ID: 831 7116 7510

Passcode: 6227

Meeting agenda

Call to order: Emily Kiehl

Roll call of members: Jackson Schwoebel, Secretary

Introduction of guests: Jackson Schwoebel, Secretary

Check for quorum: Emily Kiehl

Ice breaker question: If you could go anywhere in the world where would 
you go?

Reports from the board

President: Emily Kiehl

Vice president: Shane Popplestone

Secretary: Jackson Schwoebel

Treasurer: Asia Quinones-Evans

Fundraising follow up from August 4, 2023 meeting: all members

Other old business that doesn’t fit anywhere else:

New business:

Comments from guests:

Meeting schedule, and next meeting date:


meeting minutes
Friday, August 4, 2023

8:11 p.m. Meeting Starts

Introduction of members.

Jackson, Secretary



Asia, treasurer

Shane, Acting president.

Ice breaker questions

What are you excited about for the upcoming semester?


Presidents report from Shane

OABS will be a bell academy.

OABS people are Shane, Asia, and Caroline. The state president will be 
there, and so will Suzanne.

Shane's first year volunteering at Bell.

Doing work with the state board to sort out internal business. Making 
sure we are for the membership restructuring. Talking to other students 
about what we are, that we are here, and the resources we offer.

We have not had a treasurer's report since April.

Do not have a fee for the month of June.

Have new rewards with the business account.

As of today, August's fourth account balance is $322.51.

Asia makes a motion to do the treasurer's report.

Jackson seconds the motion.

Johnathan has paid his dues and does not change the account balance.

Tee shirt fundraiser.

Asia, it has been challenging to get the tee shirt guy. He is having 
difficulty finding stuff due to a flood that happened.

He is working a new job. He told Asia Pricing she is trying to get him 
to email things.

Caroline mentioned braille and a printed logo for the Zoom profile 

Jackson mentioned raffle tickets.

Suggestions were Amazon Echo Dot and air pods.

Shane thinks raffles are the best thing.

Caroline is still open to doing the Zoom logos.

Put together different things for the division to get funds.

Caroline has a clear goal for fundraisers seeking grants or donations to 
get assistance or funds from specific places or companies or having the 
companies donate.

Fundraising goals are Zoom logos and attaching a price to the symbols.

Post-bell camp put out an email to ask if people want Zoom logos.

Caroline is talking about doing an otherworld trip.

We are considering getting other world tickets and selling them.

Select and start planning a fundraiser.

We run one raffle for multiple prices.

Direct ship the Amazon Echo to the customer.

Johnathan talks about marketing to parents of blind children or blind 

We may do a raffle of Amazon Echo, accessible medical devices, and 

We will have a meeting in two weeks, which is August 18.

Asia motioned.

Jackson seconded that the raffle will have two products.

Asia found the information about the inferred thermometer but could not 
find the price.

The motion is that the raffle will have two products.

Motion carries for the two products.

Two pieces of homework that Shane assigns.

The Echo and thermometer do not have to be products. For the two-week 
meeting, think about what products and we will finalize the price of 
raffle tickets and if there are any changes.

Caroline must send emails to see if people want the Zoom logos.

State convention to state convention members run from this term.

Many division chapters are running from January to December.

The year would start January 1 and end in December of that year.

Elections would still be in November. This election would allow any 
board member who is replaced to transition from old to new board.

It would allow us to have a smoother transition. Take your position 
after the election. If you are an incoming board member, they do not 
know what they are doing.

The change puts us back in line with the national policy of having 
members membership from January to December.

We as a division need to do that effective from 2024 to 2025 beginning 
January 1.

What are we doing for members who have paid up until July 1?

Only if you paid after July 1 will you be given the rest of this year 
and all of 2024. As of the first, if you pay in the middle of the year, 
you will only be covered until December. We are following NABS.

When talking to new students, remember that the outreach letter is 
there. Due to the membership paying after July 1, it will get the rest 
of the year.

If they join after January 1, it will only cover the year.

The next meeting is in two weeks; we do not need a complete business 
meeting on August 18, same time, 8 p.m., Same Zoom link.

Caroline motions to adjourn.

Jackson seconds the motion.

Shane adjourned the meeting at 9:13 p.m.
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