[NABS-L] Functional Vision and Accessibility Conference, San Francisco, Aug 3-4, 2023

James Coughlan coughlan at ski.org
Fri Jul 7 22:02:44 UTC 2023

Functional Vision and Accessibility Conference, San Francisco, Aug 3-4, 2023
To celebrate our 60th anniversary, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute is hosting a hybrid conference on Functional Vision and Accessibility<http://www.ski.org/FVAconference>, a 2-day international workshop on translational research to address visual impairment and accessibility. The conference will bring together stakeholders (those experiencing vision loss and blindness) and those doing translational research (scientists, clinicians, and inventors) to address long-standing and emerging vision problems with promising new approaches.  Please disseminate this information widely as the early registration deadline is approaching (July 15, 2023).
We solicit applications from early career attendees (graduate students, postdocs and those entering the accessibility field) to submit abstracts to present posters or lightning talks. Financial support for early-career attendees is also available. Deadline for abstract and financial-support applications is July 15, 2023.
More details of the meeting can be found at www.ski.org/FVAconference<http://www.ski.org/FVAconference>.
Information on abstract and financial support is also provided here:

  1.  Just-in-time abstract submission for early-career attendees
     *   Abstract submission is now open for just-in-time abstracts for posters and lightning talks.
     *   Lightning talks are 4 mins long with 1 min for Q&A.
     *   Poster presentation will occur between 6:15 and 8 pm on August 3rd, and between 12 noon and 2 pm on August 4th
     *   The deadline is July 15, 2023.
     *   To submit an abstract, go here<https://sites.google.com/view/skerifva/home/early-career-just-in-time-abstract-submissions>
  2.  Financial Support for early-career attendees. We have been notified by our Program Officer that our NIH R13 conference proposal has been selected for funding. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the funding comes through before the conference, but this is not guaranteed.
     *   We are able to offer up to 30 waived registrations for in-person, early-career attendees (regardless of R13 conference funding).
     *   We are also able to offer financial support to reimburse travel costs for up to 20 early-career attendees.
     *   The maximum amount of this reimbursement will vary from $500 to $1500 per attendee (depending on whether or not the R13 funding comes in).
     *   The deadline to apply is July 15, 2023.
     *   To apply, go here<https://sites.google.com/view/skerifva/home/financial-support>
  3.  We have extended the early registration deadline to July 15, 2023
  4.  We now offer optional childcare for children 11 and under.
     *   Free on-site child care is available at the conference location, from 8 am to 6 pm on both days of the conference
     *   Child care is available to all conference attendees
     *   If interested, please reply and indicate the number of children and their ages

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