[NABS-L] Fwd: Fw: Invitation to a research project focusing on blind and visually impaired users in US

Elizabeth Rouse elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 11:21:59 UTC 2023

Morning all!
If you're an iPad user, check out the opportunity below.
I participated in this study last week and had a great experience.
Definitely going to benefit from the $100 Amazon gift card during this
back-to-school season.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shengang Wang <shengang at uwm.edu>
Date: Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 11:33 PM
Subject: Fw: Invitation to a research project focusing on blind and
visually impaired users in US
To: Elizabeth Rouse <elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com>

You can forward the message below. Thanks very much.
*From:* Shengang Wang
*Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 1:44 AM
*To:* ivabiggin59 at gmail.com <ivabiggin59 at gmail.com>
*Subject:* Invitation to a research project focusing on blind and visually
impaired users in US

Hi there,

We are a research team from the School of Information Studies, at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. You participated in our previous
research project. We are working on a new research project ( LG-252289-OLS-22
| Institute of Museum and Library Services (imls.gov)
<https://www.imls.gov/grants/awarded/lg-252289-ols-22>) that aims to
develop design guidelines that enhance the accessibility and usability of
digital libraries for blind and visually impaired users in the mobile
environment. Please see the overview of the user study and user study procedure
below. Attached please also find the recruitment flyer.

Overview of the User Study

Six digital libraries (DLs) are selected for the user study of 120 blind
and visually impaired (BVI) users. Selected DLs must have different types
of interface design features and include various content and media formats
in which BVI users might be interested. A diverse set of DLs for the study are
included, such as stand-alone DLs with multiple digital collections with
both app and web platforms, federated DLs, visual DLs, and DLs offering
STEM content. Participants will be mainly recruited via BVI organizations
across the country.

User Study Procedure (N=120)

BVI subjects will participate in the following activities. They will
complete a screening-questionnaire via Qualtrics (5 minutes) to determine
their eligibility for the study. Eligible participants will fill in the
pre-questionnaire via Qualtrics (20 minutes). Microsoft Teams will be used
to capture the study process. During the study, they will perform three
tasks, including one orientation task and two search tasks (one specific
information search and a subject-oriented search) using two DLs,
respectively (80 minutes in total). During the search, participants will be
instructed to think aloud, and their search process will be recorded. After
completing the search tasks on each DL, the researchers will ask about
their experiences and problems of the DL via post-system survey and
interviews (20 minutes for each DL, 40 minutes in total). After all the
search tasks are complete, the post-search interview (10 minutes) will ask
about their final assessment of the two DLs and their intention to continue
using them. This study will take a total of about three hours.

If you are interested, please fill in the screening questionnaire (
https://milwaukee.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51I9xmeH0TXQtgO). I will
contact you later when I finish reviewing the survey responses. Have a
great day!

Shengang Wang, Ph.D. student
School of Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Elizabeth Rouse, She/her/hers
Board Member | National Association of Blind Lawyers (NABL)
Board Member | Performing Arts Division
Elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
(563) 210-1854
“If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is
your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for
yourself?” - Miguel Ruiz
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