[NABS-L] Tick-Tock on the Convention Clock! Become an Active NABS Member Today!

Alycia Howard ktisalycia98 at icloud.com
Sat Jun 24 05:40:49 UTC 2023

 Hello hello!

With the start of summer comes the excitement of  
national convention and a brand new year in NABS! As we all start packing our bags and building our convention agendas, make sure to add becoming an active NABS member to your pre-convention to-do list. In order to participate in our 2023 annual
business meeting (i.e. vote on and run for board positions), you must complete the below two steps by 11:59 PM Eastern on
Sunday, June 25th.

1) Fill out this quick Membership Application
which entails providing contact info, educational background info, and
agreeing to the NFB code of conduct.
2) Pay membership dues of $5 using any of the following methods:

  1. PayPal: Navigate to our PayPal Page
  <https://www.paypal.me/NABSPayments?locale.x=en_US>*, *or send payments
  to @NABSPayments
  2. Zelle: send payments to nabs.president at gmail.com
  3. Credit/debit card: Navigate to the donate now
  <https://nabslink.org/donate-now> page on our website and clearly
  indicate in the notes field that your payment is for membership dues

If you have any questions, please reach out by emailing
gene.sh.kim at gmail.com

See you all in Houston! 
Lina Howard

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