[NABS-L] BEAM Trivia Night Invitation

Casey Reyes caseyreyes25 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 13:50:01 UTC 2023


I extend a personal invitation to all of you for our NABS Blind Equality
Achievement Month (BEAM) Trivia Night! Join us for a thrilling evening
filled with fierce competition, laughter, and a test of your knowledge.
Prepare to tackle questions ranging from the NFB to guess that song.

This event is set to take place on Sunday, October 22nd, from 5-7 PM
Eastern time. To participate, there's a modest entry fee of $5. The
victorious state will not only earn bragging rights but also a share of the
funds raised for their student division. We encourage you to bring along
family, friends, and even distant relatives from your mom's side of the
family – everyone is welcome to represent their state. The deadline to
register is October 16th.

Please ensure your registration by visiting this link (
You can make your entry payment via Zelle at nabs.president at gmail.com or by
donating at https://donorbox.org/nabs-general.

If you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to
joshuaolukanni2002 at gmail.com.

Casey Reyes
Co-chair of NABS Fun raising committee

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