[NABS-L] announcing my perminant appointment to the presidency of The Ohio Association of blind students.

Shane Popplestone spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 08:51:56 UTC 2023

Good morning fellow federationists,
This message is to let you all know that after careful deliberation and 
discussion between myself and Emily Kiehl it has been determined that 
due to a number of changes in her personal life she cannot carry on as 
President of The Ohio association of Blind Students for the remainder of 
her elected term.
During our business meeting conducted on September 1, 2023, Emily 
officially tendered her resignation as president and nominated me to 
fill that position for the remainder of the 2023-2024 year.
Our constitution does permit us to have simply made the change as at the 
last election I was elected the OABS Vice President, , but for 
transparency we held a vote by all members present to officially appoint 
me as president of OABS for the remainder of the term.
This motion passed and effective immediately I will be serving as your 
OABS president for the remainder of the term.
I am humbled and honored that Emily and the entire devision feel I'm up 
to the task of carrying the devision forward, but I've got rather large 
shoes to fill with Emily's departure, but with the support of the rest 
of my board, the devision, and every single person at a state and 
national level, I hope to do the devision, NFB Ohio, and the NFB as a 
whole, proud.
Before anyone asks, Emily will still be a member of the devision, and 
will still support us going forward, it just means she will no longer be 
the president of the devision.
I ask that you give me a few days to get myself acclimated to the 
position, and to permit myself and my board to do the internal work 
required for this transition, before you bombard me with stuff.
If the Ohio affiliate, or nabs, needs to reach me and wishes to assist 
with this transition, those members have my information and are welcome 
to reach out to help make this transition as seamless as possible.
I'll be the first one to admit, being acting president is a lot 
different then being the actual president of a devision, and to say I'm 
nervous, is an under statement.
I don't know what to expect, but with the support of each and every one 
of you, I think I'm up to the task.
Take care.
Shane Popplestone
President of the Ohio Association of blind students
Co-chair of the ohio newsline committee
member of the Grater Akron Chapter
member of Ohio Association of Guide Dog users
spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
You can live the life you want!

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