[NABS-L] Question about Accommodations

Nick Stover liamskitten at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 16:13:08 UTC 2023


I know disability offices vary significantly in their OCR practices.
But the disability office I'm currently working with does at least a
cursory read of thetext when they ocr. This doesn't catch everything,
obviously, but it does catch if there are multiple-word errors and
then they can type the appropriate words in. You might want to ask if
your support office would be willing to do this.

Another thing I've found helpful is to offer a barter with a sighted
student: I'll look over your papers and provide feedback if you'll
look over my text scans and make sure there's not something I'm
obviously missing. Since the pdfs from professors are often not of
ideal quality, the other student is usually pretty glad to have a text
copy to verify themselves.

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