[NABS-L] The NABS Price is Right - test your knowledge tonight at 8 PM eastern

Gene Kim gene.sh.kim at gmail.com
Sun Sep 24 19:26:38 UTC 2023

Howdy lovely NABS folks,

It's the fourth sunday of the month, and you know what that means—it's time
for the NABS monthly social. Join Sara Luna and myself tonight at 8 PM
eastern for an exciting game of The Price is Right with your favorite NABS
crew. Even if you've never hopped on a NABS meeting before, you're more
than welcome to join us.


One tap mobile
+13126266799,,4678833687# US (Chicago)
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Gene S-H Kim
Secretary/Webmaster | National Association of Blind Students
Chairperson | NABS Membership Committee
B.S. Candidate, Symbolic Systems | Stanford University

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