[NABS-L] Empowering Data Vision: Data Science Course for Blind Individuals using Python

James Coughlan coughlan at ski.org
Mon Apr 8 21:06:50 UTC 2024

This course, "Empowering Data Vision: A Data Science Course for Blind Individuals using Python," will teach blind individuals the basics of using Python to interact with datasets. The course will be offered on Zoom from Aug 5-15, 2024. Follow the link below for details about the course curriculum, eligibility and instructions on how to apply.

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are delighted to present our second on-line course dedicated to data science for blind individuals.


James M. Coughlan, Ph.D., Senior Scientist
Director, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Blindness and Low Vision
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
2318 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

Email: coughlan at ski.org<mailto:coughlan at ski.org>
URL: https://www.ski.org/users/james-coughlan

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