[NABS-L] 2024 Midwest regional student seminar Hosted by the National Association of Blind Students

Hunter Kuester hunterkuester2 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 18:24:50 UTC 2024

Happy Valentines day NABS,

What better way to embrace the love of our vibrant community than to share
one of NABS’s most valuable opportunities for students to network, learn,
and interact with fellow blind students at the 2024 Midwest regional
student seminar hosted by the National Association of Blind Students!

Where: Holiday Inn O’Hare Area 5615 N Cumberland Avenue. Chicago, IL 60631

When: March 22nd-24th

How to participate:


Picture this a weekend in the bustling city of Chicago where blind students
assemble to partake in vibrant workshops, networking galore, and so much
more!. It isn’t just a seminar, rather a celebration of empowerment!
Connect with like minded students who understand your journey. Come Embrace
the quest, and experience the now. It is more than just seizing opportunity,
it’s about savoring every moment of your journey. Hear inspiring stories
from students who have conquered challenges, dive into interactive
workshops, and expand your network. All students mark your calendar for
March 22nd through march 24th as the National association of blind students
transform what it means to be blind.


If you have any Questions about registration or the seminar please reach
out to Hunter Kuester at Hunterkuester2 at gmail.com or by phone at

Keep it classy,

Hunter Kuester

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