[NABS-L] Prepare for The Unexpected with Missouri Association of Blind Students - Thursday Mar. 28 at 7 PM Central

Seyoon Choi schoi at nfbmo.org
Thu Mar 21 17:30:01 UTC 2024

Hello Students,

I hope this email finds you well and thriving halfway through the semester!

As we navigate through this academic journey together, it's crucial to remember the importance of being prepared for emergencies. With that in mind, our upcoming monthly meeting will focus on equipping you with essential knowledge and resources to handle unforeseen situations effectively.

Have you ever wondered what to do in the event of a tornado? Do you have ample food supplies set aside for emergencies? These are just a couple of questions we'll be addressing in our upcoming session.

Join us as we delve into the intricacies of emergency preparedness. We'll discuss strategies, tips, and resources to ensure you're adequately equipped to handle any unexpected event that may arise. This meeting isn't just about imparting information; it's also an opportunity for you to ask questions and share your thoughts on the matter.

Date: Thursday, March 28
Time: 7:00 PM CST
Your active participation is invaluable, so mark your calendars and come prepared to engage in this important discussion.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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Seyoon Choi (he/him/his)
Board Member | National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
Chair | Technology Empowerment Committee
Treasurer | Missouri Association of Blind Students
Nfbmo.org <https://www.nfbmo.org/>
Co-Chair | National Association of Blind Students Content Creation Committee
Nabslink.org <https://nabslink.org/>
MSW Candidate | Saint Louis University 2024
schoi at nfbmo.org
(314) 650-8306


**Private voting is a right, it should not require sight. 

The National Federation of the Blind 
knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your 
future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low 
expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can 
live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.


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