[NABS-L] Help build a bigger career fair for blind jobseekers

Jackson, Delores Nikki njackson at nfb.org
Wed May 1 13:30:41 UTC 2024

Invite Your Internship Organization to Our Career Fair!
Wednesday, July 3, 2024, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Eastern
Rosen Center Hotel, 9840<https://www.google.com/maps/search/550+C+Street,+SW,+Washington,+DC+20024?entry=gmail&source=g> International Drive Orlando, Florida 32819

If you've spent valuable time as an intern at an incredible organization, please take a few minutes to pay it forward to future blind interns who are looking to kick start their careers.
Invite the organization where you've completed an internship to sign up for the National Federation of the Blind 2024 National Convention Career Fair. This is a chance to:

*       Highlight an organization that fosters inclusion.

*       Cultivate connections with career fair attendees and open positions.

*       Boost the internship organization's brand and future opportunities.
The registration deadline is May 31. Please share today. If you are uncertain on how to invite your internship organization or have general questions about this opportunity, please reach out to Lia Stone, Employer Liaison at evangeliastone at gmail.com<mailto:evangeliastone at gmail.com>. Let's make this career fair the best one yet!

National Convention Employer Registration<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=33719&qid=9759273>

Nikki Jackson
Employment Program Coordinator
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
410-659-9314, extension 2404 | njackson at nfb.org<mailto:njackson at nfb.org>

[National Federation of the Blind]<https://nfb.org/>

                         [Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/nationalfederationoftheblind>     [Twitter] <https://twitter.com/NFB_Voice>     [Youtube] <https://www.youtube.com/NationsBlind>

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


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