[nagdu] Help us Plan for Convention!
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Mon Dec 29 22:48:34 UTC 2008
Please disseminate the following message as widely as appropriate!
Happy New Year!
Can you believe that there are only six months until the 2009 Motor City convention? It's time to start planning our activities for the business meeting and seminar of the national association of guide dog Users. The board of Directors wants to hear from you about what topics of interest you would like covered at this year's seminar. So, plan on making your voice heard on Sunday, January 4, 2009!
The NAGDU Board of Directors will meet via teleconference at 8:00 pm Eastern (7:00 pm Central, 6:00 pm Mountain, & 5:00 pm Pacific). The primary focus of this meeting will be to begin planning the topics for our meetings and to appoint a Convention Committee. We would greatly appreciate your input and energy in order to create a lively, interesting pair of meetings. So, mark your calendars and join us! The call-in instructions are pasted below my signature.
Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog users
National federation of the blind
1.. At the specified time, call (641) 715-3300
2.. When prompted, enter your participant code: 560908#
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