[nagdu] New to list

Ted Shelly tshelly at optonline.net
Sun Nov 23 15:18:57 UTC 2008


Thanks.  I live in Southwest Connecticut, about a 2 hour drive from Fidelco.
I'm not totally set on a German Shepherd.  I want to find the school that's
all around best for me. This is a little bit like selecting a college,
except that cost is not so much a factor.  I'm sure all the schools have
positive aspects and it would be hard to make a bad choice.  I'll stick to
my two selections and see how it goes. 

I appreciate your willingness to help.  I'll certainly be in touch if I have
a question.


-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Michael Hingson
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 6:23 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] New to list

Hi Ted,

First, let me extend my welcome to the list.  I am the vice president of
NAGDU now on my seventh guide, all from Guide Dogs for the Blind.  If I can
answer any questions for you please do not hesitate to email or call.  All
my contact info is below.

I hope you will find this list helpful.  We have all kinds of views and
discussions here.  Reading the list is really quite interesting and also
very informative.  I hope you will be participant going forward.

As I said I am now using my seventh guide, Africa.  We completed in-home
training this past Thursday.  If you like you can read our on-line journal
on my web site.  I will be adding more content over time as well as
encouraging people to leave comments and promote discussions.

Where do you live?  You indicated that Fidelco was "close by".

For my part I think the training of GDB is top notch.  If, however, you
absolutely wish a German Sheppard then GDB may not be the school for you
since the school is discontinuing the use of that breed.  Many here will
offer you much good information to help you make your decision.  No matter
what all of us offer, you make the decision that feels right to you.

Again, welcome and please ask if I or any of the NAGDU board or anyone on
this list may be of service.


Michael Hingson,
The Michael Hingson Group
84 Bahama Reef
Novato, CA 94949
Phone Direct number (415) 827-4084
Fax number (415) 883-6220
Mobile/Pager (888) 965-9191
info at michaelhingson.com
info at michaelhingson.com>
For information on Michael's speaking topics, his availability, and his
consulting services on Diversity and Access Technology for blind persons
please visit < http://www.michaelhingson.com> For information on Guide Dogs
for the Blind please visit < http://www.guidedogs.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Ted Shelly
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:48 AM
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nagdu] New to list

Hello all,

I just joined the list and I'm hoping to pick up some good information on
guide dogs.  I have been contemplating for some time the idea of getting a
dog and today I am putting in the mail applications to two providers -
Fidelco and Guide Dogs for the Blind.

For the past few months I've been doing my homework on the subject..  I've
done the Hadley School's course, which has a lot of good information.  I've
downloaded and read several books from Bookshare and I've read through the
web sites of several providers.  I chose to apply to Fidelco because they
are close by and come to your home for training.  I'm also applying to GDB
for several reasons:  They have a facility in Oregon, where I used to live
and still have friends and family.  Also I once met one of their directors
and he gave me a good feeling about the quality of their program.

I would be interested in other resources that anyone on the lists knows of.
In particular, sources of books or articles that are available in electronic
form.  I checked out the nagdu web site, but there seem to be many broken
links.  The newsletter does not seem to be available at all.

 I'll be interested to monitor this list and observe the issues and comments
of all of you.

Best regards,

Ted Shelly
nagdu mailing list
nagdu at nfbnet.org
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