[nagdu] opinions of other blind people
Hope Paulos
hope.paulos at maine.edu
Sat Nov 29 00:11:54 UTC 2008
Hi there. Aww. I'm suffe everything will work out as far as the
foutonthing. Shepherds are real smart and they pick things up
quickly. Smile. I also have a shepherd and love the breed.
> ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Marsha" <queen.marsha.lindsey at gmail.com
>To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:04:44 -0500
>Subject: Re: [nagdu] opinions of other blind people
>Emma is a Shepard, and never the mind that I have not even been
in this
>apartment but less than two months, that we are still a very new
team, not
>even a year yet. But there are a lot of things I am working on
her with now
>because of this situation in question. At the end of the weekend
with these
>particular people to whom were in my home, they were encouraging
her to get
>on my futon, now when we go to someone else home she sees fit to
jump up on
>the couch, as well I am having to always tell her down off my
futon now.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org]
On Behalf
>Of Hope Paulos
>Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 3:21 PM
>To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>nagdu at nfbnet.org
>Subject: Re: [nagdu] opinions of other blind people
>Hi Marsha. I probably would have done the same thing if I were
>in your situation. If your pup has a tendancy to bug people and
>get into their food, keeping her out of the way is good. What
>kind of dog is emma, which breed? I'd try to work with her on
>this issue, but you did the right thing. I also had someone who
>was blind come up to me and tell me how to do things with my dog-
>that they'd seen many people with dogs and none did what I did.
>It doesn't matter. What matters is that each dog is different
>and needs to be handled differently. I'm the type of pouson,
>that if someone, blind or sighted, comes between my guide and
>me, they'll definitely be educated. I won't hesitate to tell
>them (at first in a poliffe manner, then if they're insistant,
>not so polite) what I think. Then, if they continue to persist
>on expressing their opinions and argue with me, I'd ask them to
>leave my home. I don't need to be treated like that, especially
>if I'm opening my home to these people.
>Anyway, don't let it bother you too much, unount it happens again
>(the same person. Then it's time to educate them.
>Take care.
>Hope and Beignet
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Marsha" <queen.marsha.lindsey at gmail.com
>>To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>Date sent: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:54:36 -0500
>>Subject: [nagdu] opinions of other blind people
>>Wanted some thoughts and opinions on this matter, as it has come
>up quite a
>>bit lately. I opened my home to a group of people last weekend,
>all of which
>>do not have guides, but who are blind. Emma being the little
>turkey she is,
>>as she will get into people's drinks and food, into other things
>and just
>>general bug people, but she spent time with us in the same room
>but on tie
>>down so that she would rest and kinda stay out of the way. When
>here with
>>just me and her she has gained the privilages of just being
>around off tie
>>down. But I have several tie downs in my apartment in various
>places. Emma
>>is always fed and taken to park at the right times. I do not
>beat her, or
>>nor neglect her. But because these blind people know others who
>have guides,
>>and those other people have guides whom are free when people are
>around, and
>>there guides can do what they please. I was threaten to be
>reported to my
>>school. Doubtful that I will be reported, but it is always my
>saying, that
>>because they do not have guides then therefore they have no
>opinion because
>>until you have a dog, train with it, know its personality, know
>its do and
>>don'ts then they can not say any thing. I do not feel I am doint
>any thing
>>wrong. She is a wonderful puppy, works well and seems very
>happy. But why is
>>that people who are blind, who think they know others who have
>guides, can
>>tell another one what to do, how to treat there guide or what to
>do in
>>different situations. This really really bugs me to no end. I
>always take
>>the road of maybe educating them on what it is like to have a
>guide, but
>>there are just some of those blind people that think they know it
>all about
>>every thing when it comes to blindness. What do you all do in
>>situations? I even almost asked the one person who was beating me
>up over my
>>guide and things I do wrong to leave my home, but in the end did
>not because
>>I did not want to ruin the fun. Never mind that, please share
>with me what
>>you would have done?
>>Thanks in advance for the thoughts,
>>Marsha and Emma
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