[nagdu] opinions of other blind people
Melissa Ann Riccobono
melissa at riccobono.us
Sat Nov 29 17:28:12 UTC 2008
Hi Marsha,
I'm sorry this happened to you! It is definitely annoying. I
guess all I can say is it's not only blind people who think they
know everything about our dogs and what they should and should
not be doing. I had a coworker once who was just insensed that I
would leave my dog on a tie down and not let her have freedom to
walk all over the workplace. It absolutely was not appropriate
for my dog to have free movement in this workplace because it was
a shelter for women and their children with two stories, a
kitchen, family room, etc. It wouldn't have been appropriate for
Fanta to just wander around getting into peomle's private rooms,
food in the kitchen, etc. She was completely safe and supervised
on tie down; tie down is certainly not abusive. Luckily she did
not report me to my school, but I'm absolutely sure your school
will back you up on what you did. Unfortunately, this is the
same thing that happens when sighted or blind people think we
aren't taking care of our children correctly and report us to
> ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Marsha" <queen.marsha.lindsey at gmail.com
>To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:54:36 -0500
>Subject: [nagdu] opinions of other blind people
>Wanted some thoughts and opinions on this matter, as it has come
up quite a
>bit lately. I opened my home to a group of people last weekend,
all of which
>do not have guides, but who are blind. Emma being the little
turkey she is,
>as she will get into people's drinks and food, into other things
and just
>general bug people, but she spent time with us in the same room
but on tie
>down so that she would rest and kinda stay out of the way. When
here with
>just me and her she has gained the privilages of just being
around off tie
>down. But I have several tie downs in my apartment in various
places. Emma
>is always fed and taken to park at the right times. I do not
beat her, or
>nor neglect her. But because these blind people know others who
have guides,
>and those other people have guides whom are free when people are
around, and
>there guides can do what they please. I was threaten to be
reported to my
>school. Doubtful that I will be reported, but it is always my
saying, that
>because they do not have guides then therefore they have no
opinion because
>until you have a dog, train with it, know its personality, know
its do and
>don'ts then they can not say any thing. I do not feel I am doint
any thing
>wrong. She is a wonderful puppy, works well and seems very
happy. But why is
>that people who are blind, who think they know others who have
guides, can
>tell another one what to do, how to treat there guide or what to
do in
>different situations. This really really bugs me to no end. I
always take
>the road of maybe educating them on what it is like to have a
guide, but
>there are just some of those blind people that think they know it
all about
>every thing when it comes to blindness. What do you all do in
>situations? I even almost asked the one person who was beating me
up over my
>guide and things I do wrong to leave my home, but in the end did
not because
>I did not want to ruin the fun. Never mind that, please share
with me what
>you would have done?
>Thanks in advance for the thoughts,
>Marsha and Emma
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