[nagdu] welcome , funny story- cope with the dopes-
Julie J.
jlcrane at alltel.net
Sun Nov 30 01:12:30 UTC 2008
I believe that attachments won't be a problem pending individual email
settings allow that person to open them. There is no home page like Yahoo
groups has.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bunny Davidson" <bunnydavidson at live.com>
To: "service dog list" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 8:21 PM
Subject: [nagdu] welcome , funny story- cope with the dopes-
> hello jeffry,
> welcome & nice to hear from you!
> I am on here fairly recently myself, i listen(read) more than anything.
> I think it is so healing to hear the experiences and frustrations of all
> the members here.
> i dont feel like im all alone with all my anxiety and frustration dealing
> with the "uneducated, thoughtless and un-empethetic"...I especially liked
> when you said some wallmart welcomer asked if you wanted a wheelchair! I
> giggled reading that, I havent had that happen, but i pictured it and felt
> it as i read it.
> I am a sighted person with other disabilities who uses a service dog, I
> have had ladybug working for me about 7 years now. She was 2 when i got
> her. she is a boxer girl from a rescue. without her i might not have
> ever left the house.
> what a blessing to have such a dependable friend.
> ill tell you all a funny story, years back when i had my accident , i had
> many surgeries and one i came out of and was to wear this screwed in
> 'hallo' to help set the bone grafts, metal plates and screws ...every time
> i had to go out wether to eat or to see a dr tons of people would say
> "were you in an accident?" i got so sick of this i started to smile
> finally and say, not this was an "on purpose". then turn away from them
> and leave if possable. i am giggling now thinking of it. then there were
> these other nit wits who would stare at my cane and "hallo" and say
> pointing" what is that for", I got sick of this too, so i started saying
> funny answers like "its my new antena, now i get great tv and radio where
> ever i go" lets just say that it was then i stoped feeling like crap from
> all the inapropriate invasions and started laughing....
> I am sure my dog and sense of humor are two of the best tools in dealing
> with my whole world changing.
> Newbie Q-on another note:
> is there a place on here where we can post /view photos?
> (like is there a homepage?, or are attatchments viewable?)
> best to you all.
> bunny
> s vt usa
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