[nagdu] i like you but not in my house!

Bunny Davidson bunnydavidson at live.com
Sun Nov 30 18:10:26 UTC 2008

hi jenine
your post reminded me of an ann landers i cut out and saved years ago.
the woman writing said she had quit driinking with AA and was so happy with how her 
health and life was improving,
then when she came in contact with some old friends at a party,
they tols her- "we liked you better when you were drinking"
her comment back, "that's funny- i Liked YOU better when I was drinking too!"
practical and effective perspective i think!
 Marsha,>> Your other option here is just to never invite them over again. You don't> have to say why, just don't invite them over again.>> It's probably a good thing these folks, especially your major critic, > don't> have dogs, given their inability to listen and understand your reasoning.>> As I say with some of my relatives, it's OK to say "I like you but not in > my> house.">> Jenine Stanley> jeninems at wowway.com 
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