[nagdu] guiding eyes application question

Jenine Stanley jeninems at wowway.com
Mon Apr 20 00:14:06 UTC 2009

One reason some schools might insist on insurance info or even proof of
coverage could involve you being reluctant to seek medical care when needed
if you aren't insured. It's a bit of a stretch but possible. 

Angie, when you mention GDB having sources for travelers insurance on their
web site, I'm assuming this type of insurance would cover your travel to and
from the school, not a type of insurance you could use while away from home,
like on vacation, for health care and property incidents? 

As someone who did have to go to an emergency room during guide dog class, I
can say that no one cared about my insurance until after I was treated. 

This was one of those silly things that put a capper on that perfect first
guide dog class back in 1987. <grin> 

I knocked myself unconscious when my dog clipped the corner of a building.
No, that wasn't the ER visit, though today it probably would be and really
should have been back then. My dog nipped me twice while I was trying to
groom her, again barely breaking skin and in hindsight, the beginning of the
end. Then, on the next to last night there, I choked on a piece of meat.
Luckily there is a hospital just a few blocks from the Pilot Dogs facility. 

I think I was more embarrassed than hurt by the choking, but what really
hurt was the instructor who tried to do the Heimlich maneuver and got too
high up, nearly breaking a rib or two. Now that hurt. <grin> Yes, I was
definitely insured. 

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