[nagdu] Pet tags on the beach

Wayne Merritt wcmerritt at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 00:46:21 UTC 2009

Greetings. Sorry for the short notice. I talked with my parents
earlier who are already in Florida. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. They
mentioned that pets need to get tags from a specific office in order
to go on the beach. I know that guide dogs arent' pets, but does
anyone know if I need to worry about this with my guide, or will the
harness be enough to convince any officials on the beach? We talked
about taking my dog with us to the beach perhaps tomorrow evening to
see how she reacts and then decide if we need to do anything with her
the rest of the week. However, since the "tag office" for lack of a
better phrase isn't open till Monday morning, if we do need tags then
we wouldn't be able to take her tomorrow. She has a microchip ID on
her collar that we got last fall when in training, and I've of course
got an ID card for her proving that she's a guide dog. Thoughts?


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