[nagdu] Dave, Tammy, & Maddox Anspach

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Fri Aug 7 20:51:56 UTC 2009

See I am not concerned about this team,
I am not concerened about any of this, except asking one question.
Has different matches like this happened with other schools as well?
Lets say I give you the rite to have my dog if anything happens to me.
You agree, and this would be coming from the school where I trained my 
dog with.
They would take my word that you are a swell handler, and they want the 
dog to still be a team with someone.
I feel this is a plus I am at not  time unhappy with anyone.
My next question would be, lets say my dog had to retire, could I call 
my school and say something like,
"is there a team who has to brake up for what evere reason, and may I 
have their dog/
I am a swell dog handler as you know, what paper work do I need to fill 
out to have this happen?
I hope I explained better now.
I think this is a swell idea.

 every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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