[nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
Margo and Arrow
margo.downey at verizon.net
Tue Dec 1 19:38:43 UTC 2009
Albert, we have not completely determined if your proposals will completely
work. I know that we have accomplished agreat deal and there is more to
accomplish. I am satisifed with two things: that things are progressing and
also new ideas come forth all the time, and both are good.
Being a part of this list does not mean joining the NFB. If one joins an
affiliate guide dog division or the national guide dog division, one is
automatically a member of NFB. So, being a part of this list, again, does
not require you to join the NFB or any organization for that matter.
Albert, I must gently state that the message you've brought to this list
does come across that you are the only person who is correct and the rest of
us are not. No one is asking you to stop what you are doing, but, as you
say, let's find common ground and I will add to find that common ground
whereever we can and none of us should come across as setting ourselves
higher up or better than anyone else. I'm also asking you to really look at
what the blind have accomplished, how we're accomplishing it, what the
attitudes and philosophies are that lead to these accomplishments, and so
on. Are you familiar with the jernigan Institute and the research it is
doing in education, in employment? Are you familiar with the NFB Science
Camps, and the NFB youth Slam? I'm not asking you to agree or disagree with
these things or like or dislike them--just know about them.
Julie and Marion and all, I know this has gotten off topic but in a way it
Margo and Arrow
----- Original Message -----
From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
> Well again I will put the question to you, how has that been working for
> you? Not to good in my estimation. So lets agree to disagree, find common
> ground where there is some and have interesting dialogues where and when
> appropriate. I do not consider myself a crusader but a man who does not
> and
> will not be looked at through glasses of marginalization and
> disenfranchisement. So Margo, while you feel that the nfb might be doing
> what I will be doing, there is always room for more then one messenger. I
> would not have thought that I would have been asked to stop what I was
> doing
> and join the fold here on this chat. So if that is what you are about
> please
> know that I respectfully do not want to stop what I am doing, as I do not
> and have not ever seen or heard the manner with which I am delivering the
> message I have to share, either as a sighted or blind educator.. Peace.
> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
> CEO/Founder
> My Blind Spot, Inc.
> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
> New York, New York 10004
> www.myblindspot.org
> PH: 917-553-0347
> Fax: 212-858-5759
> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one who is
> doing it."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Margo and Arrow
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11:13 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
> Albert, with all due respect, I appreciate your willingness to move the
> message. We in the NFB have been moving the message for a long time. the
> National Federation of the Blind is already doing these things. Again,
> I'd
> urge you to spend some time researching what we have accomplished and what
> we are in the process of accomplishing and work with us. We are the blind
> speaking for ourselves and we don't need a message mover. We do, however,
> need people who will work in a team effort to get things done. We don't
> need a crusader; we need a team layer.
> Margo and Arrow
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:31 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>> Well then you have much to offer and teach me as I try to move the
>> message
>> out from our individual experiences and hopefully exponentially. Guides
>> are
>> just one part of the message, we need to inform and educate all people of
>> all visual acuities on technologies, legislations, Braille, how our
>> students are not being prepared or considered as integral parts of the
>> whole
>> of society, we need to educate our peers on their rights, and how best to
>> self advocate while working to dispel antiquated beliefs about our
>> abilities
>> and to address the innate fear that everyone has about vision loss. It
>> is
>> a
>> tall order, but I am a tall man with broad shoulders.
>> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
>> CEO/Founder
>> My Blind Spot, Inc.
>> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
>> New York, New York 10004
>> www.myblindspot.org
>> PH: 917-553-0347
>> Fax: 212-858-5759
>> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one who
>> is
>> doing it."
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Margo and Arrow
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:11 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>> albert, we've been educating for a long time via talk and action. We
>> must
>> continue to do that. We have been educating and acting on things since
>> the
>> first dog guide entered this country and we won't stop. We have been
>> mobilizing and such.
>> Margo and Arrow
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "JULIE PHILLIPSON" <jbrew48 at verizon.net>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 7:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>> Albert I hope you are willing to joint in this effort that we have been
>>> doing for the last 80 plus years in this country.
>>> Julie Phillipson
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
>>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 11:14 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>> Well then perhaps it is time for us to inform and educate our community
>>>> on
>>>> their civil liberties and open the door of opportunity for the blind
>>>> rather
>>>> then beating a drum presuming discriminatory practices when many of the
>>>> members of our community are not verse in the laws presently in place
>>>> to
>>>> ensure equality and access for any and all of us navigating life with a
>>>> specific challenge or two. Education for both the sighted and the
>>>> blind
>>>> needs to be the focus in all things if what you say is true. If there
>>>> are
>>>> members of the community who do not know their rights, perhaps we could
>>>> mobilize a social paradigm shift that educates all people on
>>>> accessibility,
>>>> technologies and the immense opportunities which come with the manner
>>>> with
>>>> which we see things as blind people.
>>>> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
>>>> CEO/Founder
>>>> My Blind Spot, Inc.
>>>> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
>>>> New York, New York 10004
>>>> www.myblindspot.org
>>>> PH: 917-553-0347
>>>> Fax: 212-858-5759
>>>> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one who
>>>> is
>>>> doing it."
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>> Behalf
>>>> Of Julie J
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 9:11 AM
>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>> Albert,
>>>> I know of disabled folks who use service animals that are Yorkies or
>>>> Pit
>>>> Bulls. They are not all that common, but if it works for that
>>>> individual,
>>>> why not?
>>>> I don't understand why you think that people who want to commit fraud
>>>> by
>>>> passing their pet as a service animal don't know the laws. There's
>>>> loads
>>>> of
>>>> disabled people using fully trained service animals that have no clue
>>>> about
>>>> their rights under the law. Likewise there's fraudulent people who
>>>> know
>>>> the
>>>> law quite well.
>>>> How do you tell the "legitimate" service animals from the "fake" ones?
>>>> Not all service animals do the same tasks. Even within service animals
>>>> of
>>>> the same variety, guide dogs for example, there is still a lot of
>>>> variables.
>>>> Who trains the individuals who get to make the determination between
>>>> the
>>>> real ones and the fake ones? How do you ensure personal privacy during
>>>> this
>>>> process? How does this work when traveling between
>>>> states/counties/cities?
>>>> How does getting a certification/ID/tag ensure that the dog will behave
>>>> appropriately the next week, the next year, or in situations different
>>>> from
>>>> those in the test? Who pays for all of this? How will it not be a
>>>> burden
>>>> to those disabled people who do not attend a residential training
>>>> program?
>>>> I'm not opposed to the idea of verification of service animals in some
>>>> way,
>>>> but I haven't yet come across answers to all the above questions that
>>>> would
>>>> allow me to feel comfortable supporting a certification process.
>>>> I'd love to hear your thoughts.
>>>> Julie
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
>>>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:35 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>>I suppose you can make an argument for any and all instances where you
>>>>> your rights are being violated. But as I stated, it seems to me that
>>>>> this
>>>>> is
>>>>> an attempt to control liars and those attempting to mislead. As you
>>>>> said
>>>>> federal laws trump codes and such, and you as an informed and educated
>>>>> individual verse in the laws, as are the police, or at least we should
>>>>> hope,
>>>>> I do draw attention to the learning experience at the ice cream parlor
>>>>> we
>>>>> all discussed, should hope and rest assured that we may not be denied
>>>>> access
>>>>> anywhere we travel. Yet, someone who attempts to mislead will not
>>>>> know
>>>>> the
>>>>> law and should and must be held accountable to not having their pet
>>>>> accompany them where our service animals do. How would you suggest
>>>>> combating the misleading individuals who try to pass of yorkies and or
>>>>> pit
>>>>> bulls as service animals? .
>>>>> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
>>>>> CEO/Founder
>>>>> My Blind Spot, Inc.
>>>>> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
>>>>> New York, New York 10004
>>>>> www.myblindspot.org
>>>>> PH: 917-553-0347
>>>>> Fax: 212-858-5759
>>>>> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one
>>>>> who
>>>>> is
>>>>> doing it."
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>> Behalf
>>>>> Of Marion & Martin
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:33 PM
>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>> Albert,
>>>>> The problem with the tag might be the challenges it would cause for
>>>>> those of us from another jurisdiction who do not have such a tag. If I
>>>>> travel to this area with my guide dog and am questioned about such a
>>>>> tag,
>>>>> would I be denied access because they are imposing more restrictions
>>>>> upon
>>>>> me
>>>>> than the law allows? The ADA protects me no matter where I travel in
>>>>> the
>>>>> U.S. and its territories. If the ADA states there is no documentation
>>>>> required for access and a local jurisdiction imposes a restriction
>>>>> upon
>>>>> me,
>>>>> this jurisdiction is in violation of my rights under Federal law. Even
>>>>> if
>>>>> the tag is an option, some public accommodations may see it as a
>>>>> requirement; thus the local law/ordinance has the effect of creating
>>>>> discrimination against me by confusing the public on this issue.
>>>>> Fraternally yours,
>>>>> Marion
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
>>>>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>>> Users'"
>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:58 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>>> To tell you the truth I see the tag "option" more as a tool to
>>>>>> protect
>>>>>> our
>>>>>> rights rather then one to be considered a problem. The code was most
>>>>>> probably created and enforced due to individuals trying to get over
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> society in order to bring their pets wherever they please. A service
>>>>>> animal
>>>>>> in and of itself and their abilities are evident when one sees a
>>>>>> service
>>>>>> animal in action. If however a tag helps protect us from charlatans
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> does
>>>>>> not complicate a true handlers life or access then what is the big
>>>>>> deal?
>>>>>> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
>>>>>> CEO/Founder
>>>>>> My Blind Spot, Inc.
>>>>>> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
>>>>>> New York, New York 10004
>>>>>> www.myblindspot.org
>>>>>> PH: 917-553-0347
>>>>>> Fax: 212-858-5759
>>>>>> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> doing it."
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>>> Behalf
>>>>>> Of Linda Gwizdak
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 12:34 PM
>>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>>> Hi Ann,
>>>>>> I was just as surprized to see in the story that the tags are
>>>>>> mandatory -
>>>>>> just like the law cited about busting people for fraudulent service
>>>>>> animals.
>>>>>> The thing about the tags is NEVER enforced. I know many guide dog
>>>>>> users
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> never got around to getting the tags when they started issuing them
>>>>>> several
>>>>>> years ago. I got one so if by chance Landon got loose and was wearing
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> his collar, his finder would know right away that he was a service
>>>>>> dog -
>>>>>> that's the only reason I got it.
>>>>>> When I got the tag, the Animal Control folks NEVER said that these
>>>>>> tags
>>>>>> were
>>>>>> mandatory as the officer in the article said. I could very easily
>>>>>> find
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> since I go to their campus to volunteer with the adjoining Humane
>>>>>> Society
>>>>>> twice a month!
>>>>>> I think the article was addressing that there is a definate problem
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> these "fake" service animals in the San Diego area - and I assume in
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> locales as well. When Channel 10 did the story, they NEVER
>>>>>> approached
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> San Diego guide dog using residents. All they needed to do is call
>>>>>> up
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Blind Community Center or the San Diego Center for the Blind to find
>>>>>> us.
>>>>>> So, yeah, the story was contradictory, I can try to contact the
>>>>>> writer
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the story and find out more. I've just been quite busy with other
>>>>>> pressing
>>>>>> things.
>>>>>> As to rabbits, I have never encountered one as a service animal and I
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> think it would be a problem to me as some of these untrained,
>>>>>> unsocialized
>>>>>> dogs people bring out and claim they are their service dogs.
>>>>>> What I think needs to be done is to bust the offenders who cause
>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> have encountered some "emotional support" dogs on the bus who were
>>>>>> very
>>>>>> well
>>>>>> behaved and socialized. the dogs were suited for the work. I even
>>>>>> had
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> that lay under the seat on the bus with Landon and it was Landon who
>>>>>> tried
>>>>>> to misbehave! (grin!) I told these people that I appreciated that
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> had
>>>>>> nice dogs and I have no problem with these. It is unfortunate that
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> people spoil it all for the people who are responsible whether it is
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> pet
>>>>>> or a service dog.
>>>>>> If people in this country trained their dogs and were responsible
>>>>>> owners,
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> think the bans on dogs would go away. But, you know how it is -
>>>>>> people
>>>>>> lump
>>>>>> everyone into one group when it comes to dogs or other things. I
>>>>>> wish
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> the OFFENDERS would be punished and leave the good folks alone.
>>>>>> Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
>>>>>> Linda and Landon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Ann Edie" <annedie at nycap.rr.com>
>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:16 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>>>> Hi, Linda,
>>>>>>> The logic behind news stories such as this one never ceases to amaze
>>>>>>> me!
>>>>>>> Can someone please explain to me how banning rabbits as service
>>>>>>> animals
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> going to have any effect on the number of pit bulls, Yorkies, and
>>>>>>> Chihuahuas being fraudulently claimed as service animals?
>>>>>>> And, while you say that "service dog" tags are not required by
>>>>>>> California
>>>>>>> to gain public access with a service animal, the article clearly
>>>>>>> tells
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> public--and managers of places of public accommodation--the exact
>>>>>>> opposite, "Lt. Dan DeSousa of the San Diego County Animal Shelter
>>>>>>> told
>>>>>>> 10News that California requires all service dogs wear a special tag,
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> can be obtained at your local animal shelter by filling out a form."
>>>>>>> Who
>>>>>>> is John Q. Public going to believe, Linda G. who claims that she has
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> right under the ADA to take her "service dog" into any public place
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> just her say-so that the dog performs tasks to mitigate her
>>>>>>> disability,
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> Lt. Dan DeSousa, (who sounds like an *official* law enforcement
>>>>>>> officer
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> me), and who clearly states that California requires that a dog be
>>>>>>> wearing
>>>>>>> "service dog" tags which can be obtained at your local animal
>>>>>>> shelter
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> order for the person to be granted public access?
>>>>>>> What good does it do to state on an e-mail list populated by guide
>>>>>>> dog
>>>>>>> users who already presumably know their rights under the ADA, that
>>>>>>> "Service dog" tags are not required for public access, while Lt. Dan
>>>>>>> DeSousa is quoted in the public media stating the exact opposite?
>>>>>>> Perhaps
>>>>>>> you should try to interest the TV news organization in airing a
>>>>>>> debate
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> the subject of public access by persons with disabilities
>>>>>>> accompanied
>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>> service animals between Lt. Dan DeSousa and yourself or some other
>>>>>>> representative of the disability community. And perhaps they should
>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>> include a user of a service rabbit and a non-disabled person who has
>>>>>>> fraudulently obtained a "service dog" tag for his/her pet pit bull
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> debate as well.
>>>>>>> It is truly an Alice Through the Looking Glass World we live in!
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Ann
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Linda Gwizdak" <linda.gwizdak at cox.net>
>>>>>>> To: "NFBnet NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>>>>> Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 10:23 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] Fake service dogs news story
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> Here below is an article from a newsstory aired last night on San
>>>>>>>> Diego's
>>>>>>>> KGTV Channel 10. It was a good piece and I wanted to share it with
>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>>> The service animal tags issued by SD Animal Control is NOT required
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> have our guide dogs admitted into public places. Some of us have
>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>> and some don't. Under ADA these tags can't be the determining
>>>>>>>> factor
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> order to admit a service dog - it just lets the public know that
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> dog
>>>>>>>> has been registered with the County of San Diego as a service dog.
>>>>>>>> We experience the problem of these dogs mentioned in the story all
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> time. One of my friends was getting off the bus when a "service
>>>>>>>> dog"
>>>>>>>> lunged and growled not only at her guide dog, but at several
>>>>>>>> passengers!
>>>>>>>> The bus driver did nothing about this. He was probably afraid of
>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>> sued under ADA.
>>>>>>>> I personally have encountered these nasty dogs on the bus and in
>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>> buildings. It sure is scary when all of a sudden you hear this
>>>>>>>> menacing
>>>>>>>> dog near you!
>>>>>>>> I hope the new ADA regs will help get rid of this problem.
>>>>>>>> Linda and Landon
>>>>>>>> Loopholes Allow Pets to Be Taken Anywhere
>>>>>>>> SAN DIEGO -- We all love our pets but some people are willing to
>>>>>>>> break
>>>>>>>> the law so they can take their dogs with them everywhere they go.
>>>>>>>> 10News
>>>>>>>> reporter Rachel Bianco investigated San Diego's canine companion
>>>>>>>> controversy and how it threatens the rights of people who are truly
>>>>>>>> disabled.
>>>>>>>> Sady the miniature daschund doesn't look like your typical service
>>>>>>>> dog
>>>>>>>> nor -- with her jumping and barking -- does she act like one, but
>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> she wore a service dog vest and badge she had no trouble getting
>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>> North County restaurants.
>>>>>>>> Tami Michaels has a legitimate disability and a legitimate service
>>>>>>>> dog.
>>>>>>>> She said that when Fido is a fake it poses a real problem.
>>>>>>>> "A lot of them don't have the right temperament to be out in
>>>>>>>> public,"
>>>>>>>> Michaels said. "So, when I go in with my dog to a grocery store or
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> restaurant, often times these kinds of dogs will lunge and growl
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> snap
>>>>>>>> at my dog."
>>>>>>>> But snapping dogs aren't the only problem. "I've seen a lot more
>>>>>>>> suspicion from people where they automatically assume you are
>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> pull something over on them," Michaels added.
>>>>>>>> Lt. Dan DeSousa of the San Diego County Animal Shelter told 10News
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> California requires all service dogs wear a special tag, which can
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> obtained at your local animal shelter by filling out a form. The
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> problem, DeSousa said, is that there is no way to follow up on the
>>>>>>>> answers.
>>>>>>>> DeSousa said that when someone applies for a service dog tag the
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> question they have to answer is if the animal is trained to perform
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> task for the person. There is no way to verify that what they're
>>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>>> is true.
>>>>>>>> "Doctors notes and disablities, that's off limits to us," DeSousa
>>>>>>>> said,
>>>>>>>> "we can't ask about that, so we have to take people at their word."
>>>>>>>> So far this year, the county has issued the most service dog
>>>>>>>> tags --
>>>>>>>> 43 -- to labradors. Chihuahuas came in second with 37 tags,
>>>>>>>> beating
>>>>>>>> golden retrievers which had 25.
>>>>>>>> Also curiously high on the list: yorkshire terriers, pit bulls, and
>>>>>>>> pugs.
>>>>>>>> "There are people who want this tag just so they can take their dog
>>>>>>>> wherever they want to, so they can take it into the stores,
>>>>>>>> restaurants
>>>>>>>> and things like that," said DeSousa.
>>>>>>>> "A lot of people really just don't see anyting wrong with it I
>>>>>>>> guess,"
>>>>>>>> Michaels said. "They just really don't understand how much it hurts
>>>>>>>> legitimate service dog teams."
>>>>>>>> Having a fake service animal is a misdemeanor fraud punishable by
>>>>>>>> six
>>>>>>>> months in jail or a $1,000 fine but the San Diego Sheriff's
>>>>>>>> Department
>>>>>>>> told 10News that it has never been enforced.
>>>>>>>> Right now it is simply too hard to tell whether the canine is a
>>>>>>>> con.
>>>>>>>> The U.S. Justice Department is currently looking to tighten the
>>>>>>>> rules
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> service animals. The new guidelines under review would exclude
>>>>>>>> reptiles,
>>>>>>>> amphibians, rodents, farm animals, ferrets and rabbits. A final
>>>>>>>> decision
>>>>>>>> is expected by the end of the year.
>>>>>>>> Copyright 2009 by 10News.com. All rights reserved. This material
>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
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