[nagdu] Service Animals: Unraveling the differences and best practices

Ginger Kutsch gingerKutsch at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 29 02:12:56 UTC 2009

January 19th, 2010 > Service Animals: Unraveling the differences
and best practices
The rights of people with disabilities who use service animals
vary, depending on which law applies. The Americans with
Disabilities Act, the Air Carrier Access Act, and the Fair
Housing Act each have different standards for service animals and
their owners. Complicating the topic even further is the issue of
the definition of service animals, especially in relation to
emotional support or therapy animals. This session will provide
information about the definition of service animals and the
rights of service animal owners under the ADA, the ACAA, and the
FHA. We will also discuss the differences in how the various laws
treat service animals versus emotional support or therapy
animals, as well as model service animal policies for educational
institutions and healthcare facilities.
Jacquie Brennan, Attorney, DBTAC-Southwest ADA Center
<http://www.swdbtac.org/> Guest Moderator: 
Wendy Wilkinson
<http://www.ada-audio.org/Archives/presenters.php?id=59> ,
Project Director, DBTAC-Southwest ADA Center
Time: 2-3:30 P.M. Eastern Time (earlier elsewhere)
The cost for the session is $25 for nonprofits and $40 for other
entities for each location, regardless of the number of
participants at each location (multiple people can attend at one
location for the same flat fee).  There is no charge to
participants who come to the following locations in Ohio:  The
Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, OH; Ability Center in
Toledo, OH; Linking Employment, Ability & Potential (LEAP) in
Cleveland, OH; and Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent
Living (SOCIL) in Lancaster, OH.  There may be other free
locations in the U.S. - please contact Great Lakes at
adagreatlakes.org for those locations. 
Sessions are 90 minutes in length and delivered via audio
conference. Participants are in a "listen-only" mode until the
question and answer period.  The sessions are offered real-time
captioned on the Internet, and a transcript is developed and
posted to the Internet following the session.  In addition, a
digital recording of the session is archived on the DBTAC: Great
Lakes ADA Center web site at adagreatlakes.org.
If you wish to come for no charge to OSU in Columbus, OH, please
let us know by January 12 by sending an email to adaohio at aol.com
Registration is required to attend the session.  Please provide
your name, organization, address, email address, and telephone
number.  Please do not send a check to ADA-OHIO.  If you wish to
come for no charge to The Ability Center of Greater Toledo, OH,
please call 419-885-5733, or email Lisa Justice at
ljustice at abilitycenter.org. <mailto:ljustice at abilitycenter.org>
If you wish to come for no charge to LEAP in Cleveland, OH,
please call 216-696-2716, ext. 129, for more information.  If you
wish to come for no charge to SOCIL in Lancaster, OH, please call
740-689-1494 for more information.  If you wish to attend
elsewhere, please go to web site ada-audio.org to register.  
ADA-OHIO (The Americans with Disabilities Act) 700 Morse Road,
Suite 220 Columbus, OH 43214 614-844-5410
614-844-5537 FAX
adaohio at aol.com
http://www.ada-ohio.org/ <http://www.ada-ohio.org/> ADA-OHIO is a
nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.  ADA-OHIO is supported by DBTAC
- Great Lakes ADA Center and is also a member agency of Community
Shares of Mid-Ohio.


Ginger Bennett Kutsch
Morristown, NJ


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