[nagdu] NAGDU and NFB centers
Angie Matney
angie.matney at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 15:28:13 UTC 2009
Hello Marion,
I have heard this suggestion before, but it fails to explain everything. To suggest that events within the organization (and I'm not referring only to that infamous Monitor) have contributed to the perception is not the same thing as claiming that the Nfb is against guide dogs. Can you please explain how the article I quoted is the result of actions of those who have an interest in promulgating myths about the organization? I am not saying the Monitor published that article as a result of some anti-dog agenda. But I believe it is revealing about attitudes that are somehow conveyed about guide-dog use.
When I attended my first national convention in 1993, I knew absolutely nothing about blindness organizations. I don't think I knew there was anything other than ACB until I was actually *at* that NFB convention. And yet, I left with the impression that using a guide dog was a cop-out. I now know that there are lots of people in the NFB who don't feel this way, but I can assure you that this perception on my part did not arise from contact with anyone who would want to promulgate myths about the NFB. I recognize that things have changed somewhat in the past 15 years, but I don't think I'm alone in suspecting that similar things still happen.
I am trying to tread a fine line with this message, and I don't know that I'm adequately conveying my point. But I would submit that if we refuse to admit that some of these perceptions might, just might, arise from within the organization, we do all guide-dog users a disservice.
I don't say these things because I want to discreditthe NFB. The NFB changed my life. When I attended that convention at the age of 17, I realized that I had already consigned myself to a life of mediocrity by imposing unnecessary limitations on myself. I want others to have the opportunity to make that same discovery.
I like your categorization of the situation as a PR opportunity. I would suggest, though, that an opportunity is only worthwhile if we see it for what it is and take advantage of it in every possible respect.
Thank you for listening.
Sent from my Nokia N82.
-original message-
Subject: Re: [nagdu] NAGDU and NFB centers
From: "Marion & Martin" <swampfox1833 at verizon.net>
Date: 02/25/2009 10:02 AM
I submit to all that the reason there is this misconception is that it
is in the best interest of those who promulgate these myths to do so. They
point at certain things that seem to support their claims as "evidence", but
their logic is flawed.
As for having a "PR problem", I see it just the opposite. I see it as a
PR opportunity. And we are taking advantage of it!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Angie Matney" <leadinglabbie at mpmail.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] NAGDU and NFB centers
> Hi Marsha,
>>I do wish that everyone would get it out
>>of there head that the NFB does not like guide dogs.
> If "everyone" thinks this way, why do you think that is? I don't think
> it's because everyone in the organization is "anti-dog," but if lots of
> people think we *are,* then I'd submit that we have (for lack of a better
> term) a PR problem.
>>It is not going to be a debate, it is a panel of center staff, that can
>>answer questions, to finally put this issue to rest.
> Then, with all due respect, I think you would be failing to take the most
> advantage of a good opportunity. I don't propose a knock-down drag-out
> fight where each side clings doggedly (sorry, couldn't resist) to a
> predetermined mantra. But when you
> have a chance to get some dialogue going, simply allowing one group to
> state its case just doesn't seem to be the best use of time.
> Respectfully,
> Angie
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