[nagdu] here's what I wrote to daphne
suetillett at verizon.net
Mon Jan 12 18:16:32 UTC 2009
They also might think about the fact that most of the dogs living in American households are alone a good ten hours a day, while our dogs are rarely left alone. I guess we have a lot of public education to do.
Sue, and Wonder
----- Original Message -----
From: Margo and Elmo
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] here's what I wrote to daphne
Oh, Sue, you know, I hope you are wrong. i dare this woman to have the,
I'll use a better word, guts to write me back. I was going to use another
word but didn't know if the list moderators would take too kindly to it.
Margo and Elmo
----- Original Message -----
From: "MS S TILLETT" <suetillett at verizon.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] here's what I wrote to daphne
> Bravo! I doubt if you will hear anything back though. I think they are
> one of those extremest groups with crazy notions.
> Sue, and Wonder----- Original Message -----
> From: Margo and Elmo
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:19 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] here's what I wrote to daphne
> here's what I wrote to the peta woman and I hope she doesn't send PETA
> after me.
> it's below my signature.
> margo and Elmo
> I must respectfully wonder how you got the information we keep our dogs
> in harnesses 24 7. That simply isn't true. My dog is in harness about 2
> to 8 hours a day.
> also, you state that the dogs do not get to romp and play with other
> dogs. Well, most of our dogs do. My dog has several best friends who are
> canine and he has two feline siblings right here at home and they get
> along. he romps a lot with them and with other dogs and we play and he
> has human friends with whom he plays.
> You say a blind person cannot tell if blood is in the urine. There's a
> smell that's different. Remember, we have our other senses. somehow, you
> believe blind people are cruel, insensitive, and pitiful and helpless. We
> are not.
> I was not raised to be pitiful and helpless and most of us weren't. I am
> wondering how you came to these inaccurate conclusions about blind people.
> Our guide dogs have many wonderful experiences and truly love what they
> do. You should see my dog prance happily into his harness and his
> excitement because of wondering where we'll go now.
> I do not allow people to pet or talk with my dog while he is working but
> when he is not working which is most of the time, he has many friends who
> pet, hug and frolic with him.
> You say hearing dogs live with a family. Do you not think blind people
> have families? or do you think blind people live alone all the time?
> Blind people marry or don't, we raise kids, and, we can do these things
> without sight.
> I am totally blind and live a very enriched life. I do not need sighted
> caretakers to tell me about my dog's urine or other things--things I can
> judge for myself. My dog also gets good veterinary care and I take him
> for the slightest question I may have about something.
> I also want to emphasize that I am a capable, independent person and do
> not want or need sighted caretakers; I do not want or need sighted guides
> to guide me everywhere.
> I hope you will find out the true capabilities of blind people and
> therefore throwing out the negative attitudes and stereotypes you now have
> about blind people.
> Margo Downey
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