[nagdu] Reminder: Convention Debriefing
Marion & Martin
swampfox1833 at verizon.net
Sun Jul 19 10:11:52 UTC 2009
Dear all,
I am sending this message out again as a reminder of our National Association of Guide Dog Users teleconference meeting this evening as a debriefing of the 2009 convention. It is best for us to offer comments, criticisms, and suggestions to enhance next year's convention while this one is still fresh in our minds! I hope you will join us with your input!
Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
National Federation of the Blind
Dear Fellow Federationists,
The 2009 convention of the National Federation of the blind is now in the history books! As part of that history, the National Association of Guide Dog Users is playing a major role. I want to thank everyone who came to convention and attended the business meeting and seminars of the Association. For those who did not, podcasts of these meetings will be made available on our website.
In order to continue the incredible progress we are making across the nation and within the NFB, I would like to hear from those of you who attended convention and have suggestions for improving those aspects associated with guide dog users. On Sunday, July 19, we will have a debriefing meeting via teleconference. Everyone is welcome to join us for this meeting, but I would like to hear specifically from those who attended the convention. The meeting will be held at 8:00 pm EDT (7:00 pm Central; 6:00 pm Mountain; & 5:00 pm Pacific). The call-in instructions are pasted below my signature. If you are unable to join the teleconference and would like to offer your suggestions, you may send them to me at
President at NFB-NAGDU.ORG
Again, thanks for making NAGDU the strong and dynamic Division it is! Plan on attending our Board of Directors meeting for a full report on our progress, including our financial report! This Board meeting will be held on Sunday, July 26 at 8:00 pm EDT. The Board of Directors meetings are open to anyone who wishes to observe the proceedings and are held on the last Sunday of each month. The call-in instructions are the same as those for the debriefing meeting.
I look forward to your continued support and involvement! Together we are moving forward!
Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala, President
Conference Participant Instructions
1.. At the specified time, call (641) 715-3300
2.. When prompted, enter your participant code: 560908#
Please note: This conference will be recorded. Participation in the conference implies an agreement to and authorization for such recording in compliance with state and federal laws.
During the conference call, participants may use the following commands:
*3 exits the conference and puts you in the lobby.
*6 mutes the participant. Pressing the command again unmutes the participant.
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