[nagdu] Harness Colors
Ann Edie
annedie at nycap.rr.com
Sun Jun 7 14:12:58 UTC 2009
Hi, Linda and Julie,
When I was discussing harness designs and colors with Dave Shabbot of
American Leather Specialties back in 2002 when we were getting Panda's guide
harness, he mentioned that one of the guide dog programs had once asked him
to make white leather harnesses. He said it was the worst color you could
choose, because the white soon becomes discolored and looks terrible in
regular use. After a couple of years, I think he said they got a bit wiser
and decided that white handles would be sufficient. We chose a black
leather for Panda's harness with white stitching, and a black leash to
match. It is quite elegant, I think, with her black and white coat. But it
is not very visible to passers by, most of whom don't even realize that she
is wearing a harness until they get quite close. We have been using her
harness for 6 years now, in all types of weather, and it has held up
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie J" <julielj at windstream.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] More information on Taco Bell incident
> Linda,
> Yes! I made my own harnesses.
> I think it's Norway or maybe Switserland where they use only white
> harnesses.
> I'm facinated by the sstrangest things! ROFLOL!
> Julie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Linda Gwizdak" <linda.gwizdak at cox.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 11:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] More information on Taco Bell incident
>> Hey Julie,
>> Harnesses can also be made by the person intending to use it. I have a
>> friend who made a beautiful white leather harness to use on her all black
>> GSD. Very striking! But legit - she's a visually impaired guide dog
>> user and she fashened the harness on the design of her guide dog school
>> harness.
>> BTW, I think our city "pooper scooper" law refers to our dogs as
>> "seeing-eye dogs". People will call all guide dogs that just like people
>> refer to facial tissues as "Kleenex" even if the brand is Puffs (grin!).
>> Linda and Landon
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Julie J" <julielj at windstream.net>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 7:07 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] More information on Taco Bell incident
>>> Limiting guide dogs to one or two breeds won't eliminate access issues.
>>> I'd wager that most denial of access situations occur with labs, GSD's
>>> and goldens. Perhaps the more uncommon breeds get more access issues
>>> individually than the average guide dog handler, but as a group I think
>>> the common breeds will have many more access denials than the uncommon
>>> breeds. It simple math. Probably 95% of the guide dogs currently
>>> working are one of the three main breeds, labs, goldens and GSD's.
>>> Also limiting the breeds of dogs used as guides limits the options
>>> available to blind people. Allergies is an example that comes to mind.
>>> Poodles, Boxers and Dobermans are breeds used for handlers who have
>>> sensitivities to dog dander.
>>> People who want to misrepresent their pet as a service/guide dog don't
>>> have to purchase a harness to do so. You can purchase a vest or patch
>>> that says "service dog" for under $20. Guide harnesses don't have to be
>>> purchased on the black market. they can be purchased entirely legally
>>> from several reputable companies. If you're interested, I can recommend
>>> a really good one!
>>> JMHO
>>> Julie
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Allison Nastoff" <anastoff at wi.rr.com>
>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 5:09 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] More information on Taco Bell incident
>>>> Reading this article, there should have been no reason for the Taco
>>>> Bell Manager to remove the dog. If the dog had just been picked up
>>>> from the groomer, he was definitely clean and thus would not pose a
>>>> health hazard, and it sounds like the family was just sitting at the
>>>> table about to eat, and the dog was not misbehaving. Correct me if I
>>>> am wrong, but I think this is a clear case of harassment of an innocent
>>>> blind ferson on the part of both police and the restaurant. I hope
>>>> this woman stands her ground until laws are changed or people in
>>>> Coppera Cove are better educated about guide dog access laws.
>>>> I do wonder though if guide dog schools should stick with traditional
>>>> breeds like Labs and German Shepherds. Maybe this would make it easier
>>>> for the public to trust that a dog is, in fact a guide dog.
>>>> Theoretically, someone could get a harness on the black market, and put
>>>> it on their pet poodle and say he's a guide dog. The same could be
>>>> true for someone's pet Lab of course, but I just think that sticking to
>>>> a few standard breeds might make the guide dog access issue less
>>>> confusing for the public. Just my opinion.
>>>> Allison and Gilbert
>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>From: Wayne Merritt <wcmerritt at gmail.com
>>>>>To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>> Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>>Date sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:33:02 -0500
>>>>>Subject: [nagdu] More information on Taco Bell incident
>>>>>I did a search on Google for the woman's name and among the
>>>> results
>>>>>that came back was this series of posts on a forum/newsgroup
>>>> site.
>>>>>I've cleaned up the posts for better reading, but for more and to
>>>> read
>>>>>comments from others, go to this link:
>>>> 3
>>>>>This is interesting stuff. Several times my eyes widened and I
>>>>>thought, "Wow." See for yourself. Also, according to the below,
>>>> Ms.
>>>>>Ballou, the owner of the Leader Dog, was not using a
>>>> "traditional"
>>>>>guide dog breed, which might explain some of the manager's
>>>> reaction.
>>>>>It doesn't explain the behavior of the police though.
>>>>>new resident in Copperas Cove is considering legal action after
>>>> being
>>>>>forcefully removed from a local restaurant.
>>>>>Nanette Ballou lost her sight 11 years ago due to multiple eye
>>>>>traumas. She is assisted by Rusty, a white Berger De Picard or
>>>> French
>>>>>sheepdog, who was trained at Leader Dogs for the Blind in
>>>> Rochester,
>>>>>While she does have limited vision in her right eye, similar to
>>>>>looking through a straw, she can't process depth of field or see
>>>>>anything other than what she is directly looking at. Also, any
>>>> change
>>>>>in lighting like moving from indoors to outdoors causes her total
>>>>>blindness for five to 10 minutes until her eyes adjust.
>>>>>"He protects me," Ballou said about Rusty. "He keeps me from
>>>> bumping
>>>>>into things and from tripping over curbs. But it's still scary
>>>> to walk
>>>>>places like parking lots where not everyone is paying attention
>>>> and I
>>>>>don't have any peripheral vision to rely on."
>>>>>On Thursday, May 7, after picking up Rusty from the dog groomers,
>>>>>Ballou and Rusty along with her daughter and two grandchildren
>>>> went to
>>>>>Taco Bell. The family placed their order, picked up their food
>>>> and was
>>>>>about to eat when Cynthia, a night manager, approached their
>>>> table and
>>>>>asked, "Is that a Seeing Eye," Ballou recalled.
>>>>>"No, he's a guide dog, a Leader Dog," Ballou said to correct the
>>>> manager.
>>>>>Ballou said not all guide dogs are Seeing Eye's. It depends on
>>>> what
>>>>>school they go to and her dog went to the Leader Dog school.
>>>>>"It's like calling an A&M student a Longhorn," she said. "I was
>>>> trying
>>>>>to educate her that there are more kinds of guide dogs, not just
>>>>>Seeing Eye. But she had no part of it."
>>>>>The manager told Ballou the health department would shut them
>>>> down if
>>>>>they saw the dog in the restaurant and then asked for
>>>> identification
>>>>>for the dog as a guide dog.
>>>>>Ballou showed her the special harness Rusty wears identifying him
>>>> as a
>>>>>Leader Dog and stood her ground as she began to feel harassed.
>>>>>The manager said she was going to call the cops and Ballou said,
>>>> "Go
>>>>>ahead, save me the call."
>>>>>Six Copperas Cove police officers in three patrol cars arrived on
>>>> the scene.
>>>>>When the police arrived, Ballou said they did not identify
>>>> themselves
>>>>>and the first officer, whose name she was never given, told her
>>>> "Lady,
>>>>>you and the dog have to get out."
>>>>>She told the officer Rusty is a service dog and Texas law allows
>>>> him
>>>>>to be with her. She showed him a law book she carries with her
>>>> with
>>>>>all the state and federal laws for the blind across the country,
>>>> but
>>>>>said the officer would not look at it.
>>>>>She told the officer she just moved to Copperas Cove and said she
>>>>>can't believe they don't know what the law is. She said the
>>>> officer
>>>>>told her "Welcome to Copperas Cove, if you don't like our laws,
>>>>>She said the same officer told her, "You don't look blind"
>>>> because she
>>>>>was looking at him while he spoke to her. She said it is common
>>>>>courtesy in the visual world to look at someone when they speak
>>>> to you
>>>>>and you don't have to be sighted to do so.
>>>>>A second officer on scene Cpl. Shane Kieltyka did read her law
>>>> book,
>>>>>she said, because she believes he understood she was trying to
>>>> diffuse
>>>>>the situation.
>>>>>"When the first officer approached me, it flustered me," she
>>>> said.
>>>>>"But I stood my ground."
>>>>>Her daughter, Jennifer Warden, said when the police arrived they
>>>>>crowded around the table
>>>>> enlarge
>>>>>making it difficult for them to leave like they were being told.
>>>> One
>>>>>of the officers also followed Warden to her car, speaking in a
>>>>>confrontational voice while blocking her in the corner of her
>>>> car's
>>>>>open door, Ballou said.
>>>>>"We felt closed in," Warden said. "There was me, a 10 year old
>>>> and a
>>>>>nine year old and a blind woman with her dog. How dangerous did
>>>> we
>>>>>look? They did everything short of calling in the SWAT and
>>>> spreading
>>>>>us out on the ground like an episode of COPS."
>>>>>Her oldest child, age 10, has cerebral palsy and said the
>>>> incident has
>>>>>had a negative impact on her trust in the police and how disabled
>>>>>people are treated.
>>>>>Warden, who said the police have been called before because of
>>>> her
>>>>>mother's guide dog, said this is the first time they were treated
>>>> this
>>>>>way. All the other times the police said they were allowed to
>>>> stay,
>>>>>she said.
>>>>>"They didn't do anything but make us the victim," she said about
>>>> the police.
>>>>>Warden said her husband is being stationed at Fort Hood, but
>>>> after
>>>>>this incident, said her family will look for a place to live in
>>>> Belton
>>>>>or Harker Heights.
>>>>>"We weren't impressed at all with the attitude the people in
>>>> Copperas
>>>>>Cove have, especially the police department," Warden said. "If
>>>> we're
>>>>>not living on base we need to know we can rely on the police
>>>>>department, and that was a big no."
>>>>>Now Ballou, an advocate for the blind, is searching every avenue
>>>>>available to her to make sure this does not happen again. She
>>>> said she
>>>>>is afraid this incident has labeled her as a troublemaker by
>>>> everyone
>>>>>who saw the incident.
>>>>>"Everyone who drove by and saw me and my very identifiable dog
>>>> doesn't
>>>>>know what happened," she said. "In a way, I was slandered across
>>>> the
>>>>>community as a troublemaker. I'm very vocal about what happened
>>>>>because I want the public to know the laws that protect my civil
>>>>>rights were not protected by the police department or Taco Bell."
>>>>>Ballou contacted the police department several times to speak
>>>> with
>>>>>Police Chief Tim Molnes, but said he wouldn't return phone calls.
>>>>>Another officer did eventually speak with her and take a report
>>>>>filling official charges against the Taco Bell manager for
>>>> non-access.
>>>>>Ballou said she could have also pressed charges for interfering
>>>> with a
>>>>>service animal's job and for harassment, but has not.
>>>>>She then contacted the district attorney's office where an
>>>> assistant
>>>>>told her this is a civil manner and they don't handle those
>>>> cases. She
>>>>>told them it is not a civil manner and she said he repeated
>>>> several
>>>>>times "we're not going there" and then hung up.
>>>>>She has also called City Attorney Charles Zech and left a
>>>> message, but
>>>>>has not heard back from him.
>>>>>"Everyone at the city has shut me off," she said. "They are
>>>> afraid I
>>>>>might sue. I don't like to fight. If the police chief had made
>>>> them
>>>>>apologize, I probably would have dropped all of this."
>>>>>She said she just wants to see the laws enforced. She also said
>>>> there
>>>>>are grants available through the ADA civil rights section of the
>>>>>United States Justice Department for entities to have someone
>>>> come in
>>>>>and teach them ADA laws.
>>>>>City Manager Andrea Gardner said "The City's policy is not to
>>>> comment
>>>>>on ongoing investigative matters" and would not answer questions
>>>> about
>>>>>the city's ADA training or this incident.
>>>>>Lt. Danny Austin said the file on this case is still open and
>>>> could
>>>>>not release information without an open records request. The
>>>> request
>>>>>was sent to the Copperas Cove Police Department earlier this
>>>> week. The
>>>>>file has not yet been received. The May 7 police blotter has no
>>>> report
>>>>>of an incident at Taco Bell.
>>>>>Taco Bell representative Don Barton has also been contacted by
>>>> the
>>>>>Leader-Press office about the incident. He said he would send a
>>>>>prepared statement by e-mail. The statement was not received by
>>>> press
>>>>>Texas law on service animals states any violations of a person's
>>>> right
>>>>>to use a guide dog is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable
>>>> by a
>>>>>fine of not less than $300 or more than $1,000.
>>>>>"They know they stepped over the line," Ballou said. "They are
>>>> just
>>>>>hoping it will go away."
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