[nagdu] Questionable web site

Buddy Brannan buddy at brannan.name
Thu Jun 18 21:33:07 UTC 2009

Questonable?! QUESTIONABLE??!!?!?!??!!?!? No question here, this site  
is a con. A con that could get lots of people to break laws (i.e. get  
a "certified service dog" without a disability.) Worse, it promulgates  
the myth that there *is* such a thing as a "certified service dog".  
Great. Just (expletive) great. This is going to make our jobs that  
much harder. And I can already see the "We need a national service dog  
certifying body" people using this to further that fairly slippery and  
nigh on impossible goal. Wonderful. And c'mon, its name tells us all  
we need to know about this outfit. No, not questionable at all. It's  
quite obvious what kind of site this is.

Excuse me. ...

*Sounds of screaming and head hitting walls ensue*

OK, all better now.

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