[nagdu] Sun Tran Bus Co.

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 03:26:51 UTC 2009

Hi every one,    Merry and Julie, Arizona has fairly good laws about service
animals. The problem is ,no one wants to enforce them. The police are pretty
useless when it comes to that. I have tried in court several times, even
when I had vet bills from my dog being attacked, the courts refused to have
the person reimburse me. They took a witnesses word over mine . They said
the dog who attacked my dog, never touched my dog. I asked the judge ,then
why my dog had to be stitched up if that dog never touched my dog? His
answer was that maybe I cut  my own dog. Living in Tucson AZ. is like living
on another planet. Redneck, 50 years behind the times, and very unfriendly
to disabled people. It was not always like this. When I first came to
Tucson, 25 years ago, People were very friendly. But I was not in a
wheelchair then. I just walked with a leg brace. I was visually impaired,
but not legally blind. There is a lot of apathy here. Most disabled people
just put up with the crap. I don't put up with it. I have tried to change
things, but instead of getting better, they have only gotten worse, and I am
told I have a bad attitude. I have tried to educate, but no one cares.  I
have have tried not to get angry,but it is becoming harder not to get angry
now. I am to the point that I dread going anywhere, if I have to get on a
bus. I some times roll it to where I am going just to avoid the bus, and
that is not easy on my dog.        Mardi and Nala,semi-retired, and

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