[nagdu] Bark man

Tamara Smith-Kinney tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Thu May 28 19:16:27 UTC 2009


You mean, dogs really do eat socks?  /lol/  And all this time I've been
grumping about the whole "socks kill dogs" warning, thinking it was just
somebody making up something to be nitpicky about.  I guess I've never had

My little sneak thief has gotten into many things, mostly for the sake of
getting into trouble.  The Power Bar incident turned out to be scary and
expensive, and she really had to work on that one, since I had put it "out
of reach" (only she grew and got stretchier) and in a place she couldn't
possibly get to without making a lot of sound.  Apparently, she grew in
cleverness about then, too, because she snagged it silently from under and
around other stuff while I sat obliviously near by.  Brat!  /grin/

I've been lucky with shoes, although Daisy's dad still gets uptight if
either of the dogs even looks at a pair of shoes.  Apparently, Diasy's youth
was fairly destructive.  Her latest thing is paper and plastic, especially
CDs and their cases...  So far she's only destroyed a spare CD, but the
shards are so sharp, we're afraid she's going do herself an injury.  The
cases are no better.  Sigh.  She's also taken to Braille paper and, even
better, the cellophane or whatever it is I got to Braille more permanent
stuff like recipes.  It holds houndstooth impressions quite well, too.  And
is, of course, hideously expensive.  I wonder if she's trying to tell me
something?  Maybe I should try reading what she wrote.  /lol/  Probably,
"get off the blepping computer; you're boring me!"

So, dogs really do eat socks.  Who knew?  /grin/

Tami Smith-Kinney

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Garry and Joy Relton
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:10 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Bark man

Oh yes,

I have now had three labs and they have all managed to eat a couple of
things which weren't recommended. My favorite was Belle's proclivity to suck
up by nylon knee highs. I don't know how she managed but I could drop one
and before I could even bend over it would be gone. Of course, the evidence
showed up later. Unfortunately, last year she swallowed a two inched piece
of flexible tubing of whose origins we are not certain. She ended up in the
hospital on IVs for a couple of days and eventually passed it but it wasn't
a fun time for either of us. The only thing that we can figure out is that
perhaps a bird carried it into our yard. Anyway, labs are known to be a bit
like a human vacuum no matter how careful you are. They are still my
favorite breed, along with golden retrievers.

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Tracy Carcione
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 8:18 AM
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nagdu] Bark man

Last week, I put down a lot of mulch in my yard.  Plain old wood chips and
bark, no cocoa shells or any good-smelling stuff.  Monday I let Ben out in
the backyard to enjoy the grass and the sunshine.  He must have snacked on
wood chips, because yesterday he threw up a bunch of bark in my cubicle at
work.  I cleaned it up as best I could, but it's still rather stinky. What
is it with wood?  I thought he'd grown out of his wood-eating ways. 
Do I have to say that he's a Labrador?  I love Labradors--they are my breed
of choice--but sometimes the things they eat!  Is he trying to get fiber in
his diet?  Pumpkin is for sissies.  Man dogs eat wood!  There are reasons
he's known as Bubba. Tracy and Benny the bark man

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