[nagdu] college & guide dogs

Katrin Andberg katrin at maplewooddog.com
Fri May 29 23:31:05 UTC 2009

I have been thinking for some time about going back to school and was
wondering if anyone on the list had any helpful hints about going through
the college process with a guide.  What did you have to do to notify the
school you have a guide?  Were there any problems navigating a campus with
your guide?  Did you run into problems with professors or other staff or
students because of your guide?  Anything else that was helpful or not
helpful to you?  


I remember last time I tried university it was 7 years ago before I had any
supports and to this day I have no clue what that campus looked like or how
to get around it.  I knew how to get to 1 building and then sort of navigate
in that building, usually ended up at the wrong place and needed someone to
help me back to class.  Needless to say my college experience was fairly
limited and I didn't last 2 semesters.  Now with James and other supports I
hope to try again and have more success.


Thanks for any discussion.


Katrin & James


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