[nagdu] update
Linda Gwizdak
linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Fri Oct 30 17:53:46 UTC 2009
Some dogs are just not cut out to be a guide dog. It sounds to me like your
dog is one of those dogs. It is no fault of yours or Leader's. Thios can
happen with a dog from any school and does happen. I've had a couple of
such dogs in my long time period of using dogs.
What you have to decide is this: Are you comfortable with this dog? Do you
feel SAFE with this dog? I've seen school staff do all kinds of things to
try to fix the problem - well they did spend alot of money on that dog and
the team. They want to try everything to make it a "go".
However, I've seen schools that just don't seem to "get it" when a situation
arises where the dog is just not right for the program or its job. It
happens to people al the time. You train for a job and it seems to be right
for you. then, after awhile on the job, it really isn't a good job for you.
Same thing happens to some dogs. The problems come out when the dog is now
subjected to the stresses of guide work on a daily basis. I had two dogs
like this. They were wonderful dogs and I would have loved to have kept
them as pets if I could. But, I had to think of the dog's comfort and
well-being. I did what was best for them and retired them.
Be realistic in your examination of the problem and how comfortable you are
with it. Remember, if you feel unsafe because of a problem, the dog will
sense it and the problem gets worse.
I wish you the best and I understand what it is like for you - I've been
Linda and Landon
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lora" <blindhistory at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 5:09 PM
Subject: [nagdu] update
>I just wanted to let people know that Leader Dogs came out. They want me to
> walk on the other side of the street for three months to build Trice's
> confidence level as far as being scared of traffic. As far as the barkin
> they want me to be aware when people are walking down the hall and give
> him
> a treat whenever people walk down the hall. This will hopefully solve the
> work issue, but his other barking issues I am not sure. As far as him
> barking in class they want me to not sit by any windows or doors where he
> can look out and bark at people in the hallway. It seems like they are
> just
> avoiding the issue. They aren't sure why Trice is taking me out into
> traffic
> and didn't really give a suggestion besides correcting him to get him back
> on track. He did walk out into traffic when the trainer was there. The
> trainer will be here tomorrow and I plan on addressing that even though I
> was on the side of the street that they wanted me to be on Trice still
> startled at a motercycle.
> --
> Lora and Trice
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