[nagdu] alternatives to topical flea/tick meds
Jeanette Beal
bealjk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 12:55:21 UTC 2010
Hi -
I have an 80+ lbs black lab who has pretty intense allergies. His skin is
generally one giant hot spot from now until October/November. Aside from
regular maintenance and preventatives he's doing ok; my only fear is
flea/tick medication. I generally stop giving him Frontline in
October/November when it gets cold here (MA) and start it up again in
April/May. So as it's time to buy a new round of medication I am left
feeling a little nervous about my usual topical medication.
Drum generally has hot spots on his armpits/crotch/back. These are both
seasonal outdoor and food allergies. He also gets rashes at the site of
application when I'm using Frontline/Plus on him. This year I'd like to
avoid causing more aggravation and irritation but also want to refrain from
earning an infestation of fleas and ticks. I've researched Program but it
claims to have no effect on adult fleas - thus my home could be covered in
fleas even if they can't reproduce on Drummer. I've looked up the option of
doing garlic tabs and program but I don't know if they really work.
Ideas? Experiences? Ways to reduce the inflammation/itchiness at the site of
application? Crunchy hippie alternatives?
Jeanette Beal
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