[nagdu] length of training
Tamara Smith-Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 10 18:17:45 UTC 2010
Well said! I started the long rambling version of my professional guide dog
training consultant wish list and realized that I would need to go back and
do it in an orderly fashion when I'm wider awake. /smile/
Some of the items on my list are very much what you said. Temperament
testing, basic training in prep for guide work, phone consults with some
one-on-one in person consultation. For first-timers like me, I would also
add some coaching on how to use the dog you're training effectively without
having to learn the beginner mistakes the hard way. Worst injury I got by
being a stupid newbie handler was a sprained ankle, but then I still had to
break myself of the habit of overwalking my dog. I didn't even realize what
I was doing until my roommate at convention pointed it out. Oh. D'oh!
/smile/ Some of those little things that go to developing strong guide dog
handling skills need a coach to solve before they turn into really, really
bad habits you don't notice until a friend says, "You guys always walk
crooked." /lol/ I got that one just a couple of weeks ago. Huh? I knew
Mitzi kinda walked crooked on that stretch and a couple of others on our
regular non sidewalk routes. Just didn't have a clue that I was at least as
crooked as she was... Which could explain why she's crooked there. Again,
A nonprofit to get donors to help with the cost issue would be key. DD and
I have been working up a nonprofit plan for quite some time, only we still
need to round up the money for the basic startup stuff.... We were going to
do a homeless thing, but have decided to start smaller with adaptive tools
for various disabilities, starting in Oregon. More doable, since you don't
have to round up millions just to get to the first step but can begin with
smaller donations and grants on which to build success. Also, in Oregon, at
least, there is dire need. We would expand later but could really
demonstrate success in Oregon. He starts getting retirement next month so
we're getting closer to starting on the concrete steps to enact our plan.
No guarantees on a time table here, but it is something we definitely want
to do.
Something for owner-trainers of guide and service dogs is in the plan.
Having someone like Doug to provide the sorts of assistance you laid out is
on the list. The retreat idea is on the lottery winning list, in fact.
/smile/ It may take us a few years, supposing that when we start we know
what we're doing and do it right, to bring about the First Annual
Owner-Trainer Convention/Retreat. Unless we win the lottery, in which case
there is an estate with dog friendly and blind friendly acres built in and a
blind/deaf/wheelchair/you name it friendly guest house. I can sit and
listen to DD plan the lottery winnings for hours. /grin/ The auditorium in
the barn complete with theater and symphony groups is another favorite of
mine, except that I can't resist tossing horses into the mix. He has
finally agreed that there will have to be a separate barn for the horses,
even though he adds that I am not allowed to go anywhere near those raging
death machines. /smile/
Anyway, as far as my more immediate idea/wish list is concerned, I still
need to sit down and outline it so that it makes sense. /smile/ That's a
good exercise for me anyway, since if Mitzi breaks her permanent "live
forever" command, I will need to know what I'm doing when I go to find
another pup...
Doug, you have an excellent idea there! Would love to put heads together to
make it work.
Of course, dedicated guide dog users who have gone through the programs for
their dogs but who want to participate are welcome as well. /grin/
Tami Smith-Kinney
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Julie J
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 7:25 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] length of training
Thanks for sharing your perspective on the length of training.
As for owner trainers and a niche...I do have an idea. It would be such a
relief to start with a dog that has all basic training, is vet checked, has
the necessary temperament, a personality that compliments the handler and
is ready to start in on guide training. I went through a company that
offered this before I got Monty. Unfortunately they were horrible to work
with, didn't find a dog for me, didn't refund my money as stated in the
contract and mysteriously went out of business. So ummm, yeah that wasn't
really what I had in mind.
So ummm...a reputable place to get a dog ready to be trained in guide work
or really any type of advanced skills would be excellent. It would also be
nice to have phone training support. A book of some sort on a step-by-step
manual on how to train specific tasks would be helpful. I'm thinking
something similar to the Top Dog books available for mobility types of
If you could find donors to support some of the costs, being able to travel
to an owner trainer and work with them in person would be ideal. I know
there were a few times during Monty's training that I could have really used
someone else's opinion or assistance. Distractions and traffic come to
mind. But there is no way that most people could afford a trainer to come
to their home for a consultation, donors would be essential.
I've tossed out the idea of having a sort of retreat/convention/whatever for
owner trainers. Something where we could travel to some centralized
location for a long weekend. There would be seminars on all sorts of
topics, nutrition, self advocacy, training, choosing a dog and all sorts of
fun things to do. Again cost is prohibitive, but I still daydream. *smile*
And then there is the option of privately training guide dogs.
I'd be very interested in whatever you come up with.
----- Original Message -----
From: "doug weil" <doug.weil at yahoo.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] length of training
Thanks Tami. What is facinating to me is the number of owner-trainers out
there. I've been thinking about finding a niche whereas I could be of help
to owner-trainers either with starting or finishing guide dogs and the
proofing & traffic training. I'm not tooooo old and I am physically fit to
keep training. I miss not having a guide dog to train right now. Lucas
Franck told me its in my blood and I'll never get rid of it! So I'm looking
for an avenue to keep my hands in it without it becoming a full time job.
Any suggestions as to what owner-trainers need or want to help them out with
training their dog??
I like your thought process of changing to a career trainer; it's adicting
and I've enjoyed training for 30 years, not just guide dogs, but police
dogs, search & rescue, etc. Dog Behavior is fascinating and
changing/controlling it is an art and some people have a natural gift or
ability while others must learn and can learn the process.
So enlighten me on some owner-training secrets; I love reading what you &
Julie have to say and I can tell by what you write that you are Trainers not
just users. /smile/
Retired, unemployed and darn near homeless!
From: Tamara Smith-Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Fri, April 9, 2010 3:38:01 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] length of training
Good to hear from you! That is great information, too. When I was first
considering going forward with owner-training, I gathered as much
information about the professional training programs as I could so that I
could have a pretty good idea of what to expect with my dog. A couple of
the schools did have pretty good information of the "so you want to be a
guide dog trainer" type. Really fascinating, and it gave me some good
insight into how the professionals go about managing many of the facets of
training batches of pups and still turning out a good percentage of
Your description is much fuller, and it's more enlightening for me to hear
after training my 1 guide dog for me. /smile/ I still like to toy with the
idea of career changing to professional dog trainer, or horse trainer or
whatever trainer, because I do like training. Even when I was young and
dumb and energetic, though, I never took the notion farther than that. I
like training my own critter for me, and maybe sometimes working more than
one horse in a string. But taking it to the next level is something I've
never been sure I would really want to do. So, training remains an
avocation for me, so it stays fun. /smile/
I do like hearing from the pros, though. /smile/
Tami Smith-Kinney
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of doug weil
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 11:02 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] length of training
Hi Julie,
I'll jump in on this one as I have worked for several guide dog
organizations and know alot of instructors from all the schools. I'm a
semi-retired GD Instructor and have no affiliations with any school right
now. I've been lurking on this list for several years and do learn alot from
all that post their ideas/problems/concerns. I like hearing what you all
have to say and it gives me more insight into training guide dogs.
As far as length of training time, I think Tracy hit it on the head with 4-5
months. Most reputable, good schools should have dogs ready in about 4
months. Back in the day when I started, we had 2 trainers per team and had
25 to 30 dogs to get ready in 4 months. Each trainer had about 12-15 dogs
and you could train 7 per day. That means each dog got out about 2 or 3
times per week for training. As training progressed and you lost dogs; they
got out more often. At the end of training the average # of workouts was
about 25-30 and the dogs had all the basic skills needed to pass final
blindfold testing. Now adays, I know most schools have more trainers &
resources. I know GDB has 4 trainers and a supervisor per string and each
trainer has 3 or 4 dogs to train, meaning they get out everyday and some
twice a day. That really can cut training time by months but you have a
lot more hours in the dog. The average # of training sessions per dog is now
about 80+
vs. 25 back in the day. The result being shorter training time but far more
sessions and hopefully much better working dogs going into class.
When I trained independently and only had 1 dog to train, I worked him
everyday and twice a day most days. At the end of 6 weeks he was finished
including traffic. He was an exception to the rule as he was very responsive
to training and willing to do whatever you asked. So, alot of it depends on
the type of dog
along with experience of progressing without pressuring the dog.
I know of a school that had dogs in for training average about a year before
they went out. Far to long as dogs can get kennel sour. Most schools I know
run about 4-5 months training time which is good for the dog to get placed
sooner with his blind partner and allow the dog to develop its relationship
with the partner rather than with the trainer. Hope this helps answer your
question. I'll try and contribute more in the future. Have a great day!
Doug Weil
From: Julie J <julielj at windstream.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Fri, April 9, 2010 5:07:29 AM
Subject: [nagdu] length of training
Hello all!
Maria Orovcíková posted on the list a bit ago about research she is doing
for her Masters degree in Slovakia? I think. I have been in contact with
her and we have run into a small problem. In her country the length of
training time is measured in months. When asked the trainers explain that
they train the dogs however much time they have each day or week.
She is using the GDUI survey for info on the American programs. GDUI has
the length of training time in hours. Maria needs to put everything into
months for comparison.
So I'm wondering if people know in weeks or months how long the guide dogs
from the various American programs are in formal guide training? I know
that typically it is 4 months, but when you look at the GDUI survey the
hours vary from a low of 15 to a high of 120 or more. That doesn't seem to
convert easily to 4 months.
I'll pass along whatever anyone has to share to Maria.
Thanks much!
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