[nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
Fri Apr 30 16:47:11 UTC 2010
The overweight guy may be totally okay with being used in this manner.
Let's not forget that. I found the article and the fitness guy
off-putting, hence I'll ignore him. Let's not forget though, all are
adults here. The overweight guy may be totally okay and on board with
this. If he isn't, he can probably sue for some kind of legal
compensation, maybe that his image was used for exploitation? I don't
know, one of our lawyers will need to weigh in.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Tamara Smith-Kinney
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 12:45 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: Re: [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Well, that was more or less my impression, too. The writer wasn't
the guy he was talking about but himself. I find that sort of
offputting to say the least!
Tami Smith-Kinney
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Of Bryan Brown
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 6:03 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
Yep, I'm glad this guy has decided to get fit too, but this personal
trainer is kind of a shmuck and I think he's got a touch of martyr's
syndrome. He starts the first video by saying, "I don't make a penny off
this" and then he goes on to tell you about this blind gentleman buying
every book he has ever written. Additionally when you try to exit the
site, "well, there's a sales pitch" the article itself is kind of
and I'm not sure how any one can keep such a full of them selves
while trying to give credit to someone else,,, kind of like "look at how
inspiring this guy is, and yep, it's because of me!"
If the Seeing Eye gets some cash out of this, "well" good for them. I
hope it's donated anonymously.
Oh, and here's one more thing that ticks me off, this trainer said that
took him days to copy and paste a .pdf file into a .doc file. I think
got to get a little real, learn how to hit "control A" "control C and
"control V" and work on getting his ego down a few pounds.
But that's just my opinion, I hope this didn't offend anyone.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Margo and Arrow" <margo.downey at verizon.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
> Well, I'm glad he's becoming physically fit, but, oh, my, I do not
> the article and I hope Seeing eye doesn't take the donations.
> Margo and Arrow
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charlene Ota" <caota at hawaii.rr.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 11:44 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] FW: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
>> This was sent to me today, and I'm forwarding this to the list partly
>> see
>> what others think about the whole thing and partly because
ultimately, if
>> you read the message and follow the link and view the video, when
>> fitness material is sold a percentage goes to The Seeing Eye. This
>> nothing to do with The Seeing Eye per se, it's the creator of the
>> who
>> has decided to donate to The Seeing Eye. Looking at the way this
>> is
>> promoted, I just feel like we've still got a ways to go in some ways
>> I
>> wonder if anyone has thought to make this person's videos audio
>> and make the materials accessible. This just shows how slowly
>> view
>> of us changes or almost stands still
>> Maybe someone on the list knows the person that this whole story is
>> and could give some insight. I guess that's part of why I'm sharing
>> Check it out and see what you all think about it. I've removed most
>> of
>> the unnecessary stuff from the following message just to make it
>> to
>> get to the point.
>> .
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Subject: "Crazy Blind Guy" sees his way to fitness
>> It's rare that I'm moved and inspired at the same time by something I
>> on
>> the internet.
>> But today I have an exception for you.
>> Let me briefly prepare you for what you're about to see and hear.
>> I say "see" and "hear" with all due respect because the man who put
>> wild fatloss and fitness system together cannot do either.
>> He is totally blind and almost totally deaf.
>> So he made this presentation with the help of one of my friends in
>> fitness world (my good buddy Jon Benson) who doesn't take a penny
>> will
>> he ever) from helping this extraordinary new fitness role model.
>> I wanted to do my part, too... but believe me, I'm not just helping a
>> blind
>> guy out here. I'm sharing a true gem with you if you want to take
>> body
>> and your motivation to the next level.
>> Imagine this:
>> Being totally blind and overweight. Yet wanting to be fit.
>> Now, really picture it: You cannot see, so going to a gym is...
>> almost impossible (or so you may think... this guy figured it out...
>> You
>> trip over weights other people leave on the floor. You cannot tell if
>> someone is using that machine (you know, the one you had to count
>> to
>> from the gym door in order to find?) until you practically sit on
>> Get the picture?
>> And what about eating right? How do you measure everything? How do
>> know
>> if you're buying the right brand of, say, chicken breast? Is this
>> with or without skin?
>> You see how tricky this is?
>> And yet, Mike figured out how to do it.
>> More than that -- he dumped over 40 lbs of blubber and put on muscle
>> shape... and now he looks like a different person.
>> My friend Jon tells the motivational story about this blind gentleman
>> his fitness story here:
>> http://tinyurl.com/blindanddeaf <----Check it out
>> You may be thinking... "Okay, so how can a blind guy's program help
>> I thought the same thing until I checked it out.
>> You see, A LOT of the fitness challenges we ALL face (sighted or not)
>> unseen (pardon my expression!) We just can't seem to figure out
"why" we
>> cannot get or stay fit... and the real reason for this is that we
>> see
>> the REAL problem.
>> My new friend, Mike Weingarden, is just your typical guy... except
>> blind (totally) and almost deaf. But he was forced to dig a LOT
>> than
>> most of us due to his physical challenges in order to figure out how
>> shed
>> bodyfat, shape-up his body with lean muscle, and stay
>> Doing this allowed him to discover the REAL challenges... and the
>> solutions... to changing anyone's body.
>> I'm telling you, this guy has put together a System that is just
>> It's not a "nice-to-have"... it's a must-have. Not just for the
>> inspiration
>> (and who wouldn't be inspired by this man!)... but for the 80 (yes,
>> eighty)
>> training and nutrition videos Mike shot during his journey. He shows
>> how
>> to perform just about every exercise you'll ever need. He goes over
>> nutrition, inspiration, in-home workouts... and so much more.
>> The videos themselves are worth a small fortune... but Mike is not a
>> greedy
>> guy. He's practically giving this away just to get his foot in the
>> of
>> the fitness world. And, in his own words, "Just to prove a point...
>> if
>> I can do it, anyone can... no exceptions."
>> Here's the full story...
>> http://tinyurl.com/blindanddeaf
>> Go get inspired... and get into your best shape ever.
>> Sincerely,
>> Mike Geary
>> Certified Personal Trainer
>> Certified Nutrition Specialist
>> P.S. Let me be honest with you: Mike is far from a rich guy. Just
>> opposite. Due to his physical challenges, he can barely make ends
>> But
>> he came through and put together an an incredible program here.
>> So yeah... of course. I wanted to help Mike by sharing this System
>> you
>> asap... but there's more to the story.
>> Mike is giving 10% of his earnings to a charity for the blind. So you
>> will
>> not just be helping yourself get fit (and yes, helping Mike out too)
>> also helping some people who cannot see regain some of their personal
>> freedom.
>> His charity is really cool. It's covered in the presentation on this
>> page...
>> as is his See Yourself Fit System, including his 80-plus digital
>> videos...
>> Go on over and check it out:
>> http://tinyurl.com/blindanddeaf
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