[nagdu] Odd encounter

Sean Moore sean.moore at mediacombb.net
Sat Aug 14 20:51:53 UTC 2010

Its really fun the people you meet on  the city bus, I usually get a yell 
of: "AHH DOG ITS Gonna bite me" or they move right out of the way and then 
scream at Franklin. It's a Lab for heck sake. Not a scary GDS or some other 
scary breed of dog. It fun to hear "Mom can I pet the dog?" ---- "No its 
that man's guide dog, so no, if you do it'll bite you. Its there to guide/ 
protect him since he can't see."

First halfs  usually right, but where do they get the second half from? Its 
just weird thee people.

Sean Moore &
Southeastern Guide Dog, Franklin

"Who's Waiting on our new Maestro-Trekker from EBay to get here on 8/17/2010 
by UPS."

Contact Information

Home: (229) 594-2783
Verizon number (after 9 EST): (478) 258-4103
Email: linkstarwind at cox.net, sean.moore at mediacombb.net
Website: http://www.baltox1.bravehost.com

Instant Messaging
AIM: BaltoX1
Yahoo: Ginsenshi2001
MSN: Linkstarwind at cox.net
Skype: Ginsenshi

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