[nagdu] another reason for having your own harness

Katrin Andberg katrin at maplewooddog.com
Mon Aug 23 18:50:54 UTC 2010

CCI places service dogs for those with mobility impairments but does not do
balance dogs.  So dogs are trained for things such as: retrieving, pushing
closed things, pulling open things, switching on and off light switches,
etc.  These dogs work with the disabled person and are controlled, cared for
and managed by the disabled person.  


CCI also places what they call "Skilled Companion Dogs" which are mainly for
children with disabilities though also possibly for adults who are not
independent enough to care for and control a service dog.  Skilled Companion
Dogs are a 3 part team consisting of the disabled person, the dog and
another care giver.  The only time the dog is allowed in public is when the
care giver who was certified by CCI at team training with the disabled
person is present and controlling the dog.  The disabled person in skilled
companion teams is never in sole control of the dog, the leash and commands
are always given by the caregiver, the dog is under the care giver's


CCI also places Facility Dogs, which are dogs that work in a therapy
capacity at various places with a non disabled handler.




Katrin Andberg

Katrin at maplewooddog.com 




Doesn't CCI give dogs to people with mental disabilities, people who may

indeed not be able to care for a dog? 

I've seen a few CCI dogs. They are lovely. It seems though that the

people who have these dogs, do rely on other people to care for them.

So, while the dog may be helping Jane, the dog may legally be Jack's


Anybody know more?


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