[nagdu] comparing schools
Wayne Merritt
wcmerritt at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 21:34:46 UTC 2010
I believe Fidelco has changed to offering their services to people
nationwide, not just in the northeast. Seems I heard something about
this in the last 6-12 months. Perhaps a Fidelco graduate can confirm
this. They still offer only German Shepherds though.
On 2/14/10, Michael Hingson <mhingson at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Gary is right. Look at many aspects of a variety of schools. Guide Dogs
> for the Blind, for example, has greatly reorganized its training structure
> to provide more one on one training and smaller classes in general. Also,
> the school has renovated its dog training process with an eye on producing
> better teams.
> Fidelco provides in-home training in the North East and uses still, I
> believe, only German Shepards.
> On the surface schools may appear the same, but good research will show that
> there are, in fact, interesting differences.
> The ownership issue is an importang one. Ultimately, I prefer a school
> which will give ownership. Whether or not the school offers it immediately
> or a bit later is still a point of discussion. However, the fact that some
> schools do provide ownership shows progress in their thinking about blind
> students they serve.
> The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
> “Speaking with Vision”
> Michael Hingson, President
> (415) 827-4084
> info at michaelhingson.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Gary
> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 9:44 AM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] researching programs
> Hi mark:
> I have two ccomments on this topic. First, you mention you think you will go
> to seeing eye because they are close and give ownership. These are certainly
> good reasons to pick a school but I would recommend that you do some
> research on all the other schools, especially the ones that are relatively
> close to you, to learn more about how the programs are similar and how they
> differ. This takes a bit of time and reading so is something that might be
> better done at a less busy time in your spring for sure. :)
> With regards to ownership, I agree that we should get to own the dogs upon
> graduation, or shortly there after. In talking to some schools that offer
> ownership after a year or two, they say the main reason they like this set
> up is in case the team doesn't work out for a variety of reasons. It makes
> the return of the dog an easier process. Myself, since I am waiting for a
> poodle, have much fewer schools to choose from. Right now I am waiting to
> hear if they will have a match for me at Canine Vision Canada for their May
> class. I have decided that, although they retain ownership of the dog, I
> will go to this program. However, I will take opportunities to share with
> their executive director my thoughts on this matter in hope that they will
> come to change their policy in the future.
> Just my thoughts. Good luck on your search for an appropriate school and
> with all your current projects.
> Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Marion & Martin
> Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 1:36 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] researching programs
> Mark,
> Well, you touch on one of my favorite topics - Ownership! I believe the
> school should transfer ownership to the graduate upon graduation. There may
> be extenuating circumstances because we are dealing with human nature, but I
> believe this should be the exception rather than a pre-arranged contractual
> agreement. If blind people have the right to care for their own children
> without fear of social interference, I believe we also have the ability to
> care for a dog! I have never heard a negative argument that could not be
> overcome by an affirmative one. There is no evidence to suggest that a blind
> person is more likely to have unhealthy dogs. In fact, I believe we are
> generally held to a higher standard! The Seeing Eye has always had an
> ownership upon graduation policy and it seems to work quite well!
> I know of too many instances in which schools have unduly interfered
> with a handler's rights with respect to their dog, using threats and
> intimidation. I even disagree with the retention of ownership of the gear.
> It's just one more controlling string to hold over someone's head. I have my
> own harnesses. No one can take them away from me!
> My soapbox is getting a little rickety, so I need to dust off the top
> and make a few repairs, and bring up the subject again! I hope more and more
> people would speak up by choosing schools that have more respectful
> policies. Anything less is coustodial!
> Fraternally yours,
> marion Gwizdala
> argument - one that could not be overcome with evidence-based
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark J. Cadigan" <kramc11 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 12:50 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] researching programs
>> Julie,
>> I also love making lists! I have a few questions for you and the list in
>> general. What's the benefit of ownership of the dog verses if the program
>> retains ownership? I hate paperwork with a passion! How best to avoid this
>> seemingly useless task. I like German shepherds, but that is just a
>> preference based on nothing concrete. What breeds of dogs make the best
>> guides?
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