Artie. anolden at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Jul 28 13:26:39 UTC 2010

        G'morning, Susan.  

    Well, thank you so very much!

    I had to go back through  mesages not yet deleted to see what you were raving about.  When I reply, I have an old habit of changing the subject line if what I talk about is different than what the subject line previously was. 

    When I starta new mesage on atopic, I use the BCC line to address it, same as when I reply. In the subject line, I put a dot, period, first, and inReply, at the end of the designation of the group.   That creates a pause between the designation of the group, and the topic itself, and a period at the end of the subject line.

    When I reply, I trim / crop the prior header, then trim the previous mesage, so that the only part of the prior mesage to which I am responding remains.  There is no reason whatsoever for more than the one previous mesage to be carried along time and time again.  
 You can see, or hear via your speech program, what little is left of the prior header. 

    Using keystrokes makes it all easy,and pardon the pun, there is no eyestrain.  Gr'r'r'rin'n'nss!  It's a matter of taking a few seconds of time, making the effort, and lerning new habits.

        Be Kind to Your List Mates and Maties.  Please Crop prior headers and trim previous messages when RePlying.   Folks on Digest will just love you to pieces.
        Artie and GDF Golden gide dog JJ by the Gulf, west central Flor'da.
        Dusty's Light will Shine Forever!
From: "Susan Jones" 
July 27, 2010 

Artie, I love your message!
It would also be considerate of folks to change subject when changing the subject.
Susan & Rhoda

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