[nagdu] First cane walk!
deerskin at oct.net
Wed Jun 16 21:04:52 UTC 2010
Yeah, I feel pretty jazzed at how well it went, even though I didnt have
sleep shades on. It helped so much with one of the big things I need help
with from a guide dog-knowing exactly what is going on in front of me. I
have to admit I was a little frustrated, getting tangled in that bush...I've
passed that bush a million times with my dogs, but never noticed it was
there till today. Like Charlie Brown and his kite eating tree, I have a cane
eating bush on our block! <grin>
-------Original Message-------
From: Julie J
Date: 6/16/2010 3:35:56 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] First cane walk!
*big smiles* I'm so proud of you! You are the awesome!
No clue about the roller tips. I use the metal sort, but I usually only
Touch the cane to either side of me using the two point touch technique.
The cane will get stuck on cracks sometimes, that's just the way of things.
Lowering the angle of the cane can help and getting it up off the ground an
Inch or so can too.
Knowing I'm at a curb is a combination of things for me, the slant of the
Ground, sometimes there is a textured thingy, sometimes the sidewalk flares
Out, sometimes I'll check one side to see if there's a curb, listening to
The traffic, or listening for a more open space. I always listen for
Traffic as I'm going and honestly sometimes I do miss that I was at a curb
And don't catch on until I notice the incline change. Streets are higher in
The middle so that water runs to the edges at least on flat streets. If
Your on a hill it will be a bit different. Keep practicing your on the
Right track!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gail" <deerskin at oct.net>
To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: [nagdu] First cane walk!
> Hello all!
> I did it- sort of! Just went out with my long cane for the first time, for
> a
> walk up to the corner and back. I was wearing my Cocoon sunglasses, but
> they
> are just good sunglasses, not blocking like sleepshades. And I have to say
> I
> felt a lot safer, reaching out ahead of me like that, rather than creeping
> along with both crutches, using the left to check out things as I have had
> to do. The only thing I didnt like was that the cane has a flat metal tip
> that scrapes, rattles and catches on everything, even the small line dents
> they put on side walks for each square of concrete. So I would have
> several
> free steps then *BONK*, dead stop on one of those nothing cracks! Of
> course
> it showed me well the important cracks, dead bushes sticking out-took me a
> few moments to figure out what had caught and tangled it, never had that
> kind of thing stop me on a walk before with my dogs!- but once untangled,
> I
> was trundling merrily along again. Went up to the corner, and was trying
> to
> figure out what would show me I was AT the corner. It has a curb cut, and
> is
> straight in line with the line of travel, so I have to think of how to
> know
> its there, with other corners in town.
> But that was SO cool- instead of creeping, I was able to walk much faster
> than I have been in a couple years!
> Have a question- should I change to a rollerball tip? Does it give as much
> information, without catching on things like normal sidewalk lines? And
> what
> size would fit the free canes that the NFB gives out? I've found good
> prices
> on tips on Amazon, but dont know what size to choose.
> Gail
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