[nagdu] always taking the dog was guide dogs

Julie J julielj at windstream.net
Mon Mar 8 13:04:29 UTC 2010

Thanks Steve!

Yes, knowing the legal issues is absolutely essential.

To answer Jennifer's question of places I wouldn't take my guide dog.  Well 
it's just like Buddy said-it's very personal.  It also varies from dog to 
dog.  My first dog has a very different personality than my current dog. 
What she could handle with ease might drive him crazy and what he doesn't 
even have to think about she would have lost it completely over.

I, personally, do not take my guide dog into private homes or cars without a 
specific invitation.
I won't take a guide dog to a funeral.
I don't take my guide if managing him will take up more time and effort than 
the time and effort he will save me.
I don't take him to loud crowded events where I'm going to be squashed into 
a bleacher seat cheek to cheek with other people.

And sometimes I just leave him home for no other reason than because I want 
to.  I'm a good cane traveler and sometimes I want to keep those skills up, 
that takes practice.

I'd say I take  Monty 75% of the time and use my cane the other 25%.  I 
don't think this is typical of guide dog users though.  It goes back to that 
whole personal choice thing.  What works for me may very well be a disaster 
for the next person.


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