[nagdu] Audible Traffic Signals
Marion Gwizdala
blind411 at verizon.net
Thu Mar 25 10:47:39 UTC 2010
Audible traffic signals have absolutely no effect on the safe operation
of a vehicle. Now, in St. Petersburg, Florida, they have a pretty good idea.
They have a pedestrian crossing sign near the trafic signal. When a
pedestrian activates the crosswalk signal, a yellow light flashes within the
sign to alert the driver that a pedestrian is crossing.
Fraternally yours,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Albert J Rizzi" <albert at myblindspot.org>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] White Cane laws
> Now in reaction to the hybrid cars which are environmentally friendly and
> very quiet, why are we not mobilizing the forces to require that urban
> planners and departments of roads or transportation or what ever
> department
> it is that regulates crossing signs start using audible crossing signs as
> is
> done in many European cities. I hear tell of how the infrastructure is to
> old and to costly to work with, yet I would think that Paris and London
> are
> much older cities then any of ours and they some how were able to bridge
> that gap. Would be another great focus of our community to work together
> to
> effect if you ask me.
> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
> CEO/Founder
> My Blind Spot, Inc.
> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
> New York, New York 10004
> www.myblindspot.org
> PH: 917-553-0347
> Fax: 212-858-5759
> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one who is
> doing it."
> Visit us on Facebook LinkedIn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Jewel S.
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:33 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] White Cane laws
> Here, here!
> I have been hit by a car, albeit a very slow moving car, so I was not
> injured very much at all. The car was backing out of a parking spot
> after telling me to go ahead. He didn't look where he was going, and
> his bumper struck me before I knew what was going on. I beat the trunk
> with my cane and shouted at him, trying to scuttle out of the way (not
> easy for me), but he would not stop. I would have fallen if someone
> hadn't run up and caught me and another man knocked on the driver's
> window, the idiot. I told them to get the license plate number, but
> they did not. I was very upset. This was also a quiet car.
> The Quiet Car Bill is something I have been watching very closely. It
> is almost passed through to law. It is getting sooo close. When it
> does pass, the government will be required to do a survery and figure
> out a way for quiet cars to produce the sound needed by pedestrians.
> I am very sorry about the loss of your guide dog, friend, and the
> injury of your other friend. Your story is one of the many very real
> reasons why the White Cane Laws were ut in place in the first place,
> to save lives.
> How many lives must be taken before the laws are enforced?
> ~Jewel
> On 3/24/10, Albert J Rizzi <albert at myblindspot.org> wrote:
>> Here here!
>> Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed.
>> CEO/Founder
>> My Blind Spot, Inc.
>> 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl.
>> New York, New York 10004
>> www.myblindspot.org
>> PH: 917-553-0347
>> Fax: 212-858-5759
>> "The person who says it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the one who
>> is
>> doing it."
>> Visit us on Facebook LinkedIn
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Tamara Smith-Kinney
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:07 PM
>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] White Cane laws
>> Tracy,
>> I'm so sorry! I didn't know that had happened to you. It must have been
>> awful for a long, long time after the fact. And I'm sure whatever
> recourse
>> you received was not worth the loss. I'm glad you're well and still
> living
>> your life.
>> While I am glad the white cane laws and pedestrian laws underlying them
>> do
>> give me some added rights and protections. Greater awareness and greater
>> enforcement does and will give us better odds of traveling safely through
>> our daily lives.
>> There will still be those people who disengage brain before turning key,
> but
>> the more drivers who are aware of the law, of their responsibilities as
>> drivers, and of the consequences of their not taking their
> responsibilities
>> seriously when they're behind the wheel, the better off we'll all be.
>> Tami Smith-Kinney
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Tracy Carcione
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:23 AM
>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: [nagdu] White Cane laws
>> Could we possibly get back to discussing better enforcement of White Cane
>> laws, and drop all the sniping? Or is it the concensus that the White
>> Cane laws are outmoded, and we should just let them drop and ignore them?
>> I'm not asking for someone else to be responsible for my safety, but I am
>> asking that the drivers take their share of responsibility. They are the
>> ones in charge of the vehicle that is a lot faster and heavier than I am.
>> I am especially concerned with new quieter cars becoming more common.
>> I've lost count of the times my dog has stopped short, then I've heard
>> the
>> car whizzing by in front of us.
>> I personally know 3 people who've been hit. One was crossing with the
>> light when a bus turned on top of her, and she was killed. One was
>> crossing a quiet street, when some old fool came speeding around a blind
>> corner and hit her. Now she has to use a wheelchair. And one was me,
>> trying to cross a street to get home during an ice storm. There wasn't
>> enough traffic, and there wasn't anyone around to ask, and I probably
>> misjudged the traffic light. My dog was killed.
>> Two of these accidents could have been avoided, if the driver were paying
>> propper attention. We have laws on the books that say they should be
>> particularly careful when a blind pedestrian is in the street. I'd like
>> to see greater awareness of those laws. It doesn't seem so much to ask,
>> to save a life.
>> Tracy
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