[nagdu] Extra headings and Original posts

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Oct 6 02:16:38 UTC 2010

No, the digest is what it is and that is why most people get 
individual messages.  The software composes the digests and I can't 
change what it does. All you can do is search for a unique word at 
the beginning of each message, like from: with the colon, and even 
then it will be wrong sometimes.


At 08:39 AM 9/30/2010, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am really enjoying our discussions since joining this list. However...it
>is difficult to find the next message....there seems to be all sorts of
>extra headings and previous original messages in between.   When using the
>digest format....that is very tedious.   It still is better than getting all
>those individual message every day.....
>Is there anyway to strip a message of extra stuff??
>Joyce Cass Pratt and
>Seeing Eye Guide KIA!

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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