[nagdu] Traveling Advice

Rena Seay ras98r at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 28 16:35:02 UTC 2010

Hi Kolby, 
I travel frequently with my guide, Cadence.  She is my 4th guide so I've many experiences when traveling, most positive.  As far as the airport goes I relieve my guide on every layover.  Just like our systems are sometimes different when we travel theirs can be too.  I would rather have a comfortable dog then stick to her relieving schedule.  I always request that I be the one to relieve my dog, this severs two purposes:  1. I know what she did or didn't do and  2. I'm not comfortable sending her off with a stranger.  Often times the airport has a relieving area inside of security but even if you have to go back through security, your sighted guide should make the process faster.  I have also found the the security process goes smoother when you know what works best for you and your guide.  For example, I have Cadence on a sit/stay while I go through the medal detector and then call through to me.  This save time as the TSA agent only has to
 pat down the dog not send us both in for extra screening.  If you are on a full flight, which most are these days ask for a seat by the window, I've found it keeps people from having to climb over your dog.  
Over the last 14 years I've worked guides I've only had one negative hotel experience.  I think in general people tend to share their horror stories, so it makes some a little leery of hotel staff.  Remember you are not required to pay and additional cleaning fee because of your guide, so check your bill to make sure you aren't charged.  No matter how busy your schedule is make sure you dog gets come play time either outside on a flex leash or free run in your room. 
Hope you and Sunny have a great trip! 
Just My Two Cents and Experiences! 
Rena A. Seay
Educational Talent Search 
(325)677-1444 x. 3105 
ras98r at yahoo.com 

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, Kolby Garrison <kolby12091988 at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Kolby Garrison <kolby12091988 at gmail.com>
Subject: [nagdu] Traveling Advice
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 9:29 AM

Hello Everyone,
I will be flying to the state of Washington in November, and staying
in a hotel for at least three nights. I have not ever flown or stayed
in a hotel with my Guide Dog before, and I would like to know if those
of you who have flown or stayed in a hotel with your dogs before have
any advice for me. I will have layovers exceeding two hours on the way
to and from my destination. Are there things that I can do to make my
and Sunny's airport, airplane, and hotel experiences as positive and
hastle free as possible?
Thank you in advance for any advice that you have the time to share.

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