[nagdu] Hostpital and Surgeries

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 10:35:37 UTC 2011

FYI, in the hospital dogs are allowed, I have had many many surgeries, if you are not having outpatient surgery, I would suggest either taking the dog with you and then let your parents take dog home, when they go, the dog can stay with them, and then the dog can come back in the morning to your room to see you.

If it is outpatient, the dog can stay with you in the pre-op, which is a big room with other patients (this is what happens at my hospital), I usually have husband with me, when they ready to take me to the surgical room, I give the dog to hubby and then when I come back to the room, my maxx is there, all depends on the type of surgery you have.

But in general speaking dogs are allowed in the hospital in your room, in certain other areas of the hospital as well, accept what is called a clean room, that is for very sick or contagious patients, or some recovery rooms and IC rooms.

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sean Moore<mailto:sean.moore at mediacombb.net> 
  To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users<mailto:nagdu at nfbnet.org> 
  Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [nagdu] Hostpital and Surgeries

  No I meant on guide dog stuff on guide dog related topics such as this one.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com<mailto:julielj at neb.rr.com>>
  To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
  <nagdu at nfbnet.org<mailto:nagdu at nfbnet.org>>
  Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [nagdu] Hostpital and Surgeries

  > Sean,
  > You are probably getting different answers because of the different ways 
  > surgeons do the surgery and the particulars of each person's situation.  I 
  > don't do well with general anesthetic, so this was perfect for me.  I can 
  > totally understand that it's not for everyone.
  > Whether or not you take Franklin is up to you.  I was offering my 
  > experience in case you might find the information useful to make that 
  > decision.  I could have worked Monty into the building and for the first 
  > half hour or so.  After that I was in environments where the dog would not 
  > be allowed or I wasn't able to care for him.  For me the best option was 
  > to leave him at home.
  > Believe me before I had this surgery I read all sorts of accounts on the 
  > internet from people who had gone through it.  There were some who had 
  > similar experiences to mine, all the way to folks who spent a couple of 
  > days in the hospital.  It was very confusing.  Perhaps talking to your 
  > surgeon or the place where you are having the surgery to get the details 
  > of how your experience will be would be the best information for you to 
  > decide if taking Franklin is what you want to do.  If you do decide to 
  > take him, you will want to have someone who can take care of him while you 
  > are in surgery and most likely for a bit afterward.  It might be good to 
  > have a plan B of someone who could care for him for a day or two just in 
  > case you aren't up to it.
  > Best of luck with whatever you decide,
  > Julie
  > On 8/1/2011 9:12 PM, Sean Moore wrote:
  >> not given general anesthetic?
  >> Oh no, I'd rather be out cold for the whole thing. I haven't been in a 
  >> hostpital for years. No being awake for any of it. Wouldn't like it at 
  >> all.
  >> But yeah posted the same thing on GDUI why do I get different answers?
  >> Very odd.
  >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com<mailto:julielj at neb.rr.com>>
  >> To: "NAGDU Mailing  List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
  >> <nagdu at nfbnet.org<mailto:nagdu at nfbnet.org>>
  >> Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 9:11 PM
  >> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Hostpital and Surgeries
  >>> Sean,
  >>> I had this surgery done almost exactly one year ago.  I chose to leave 
  >>> Monty at home.  Here's how it went for me.  I arrived very early in the 
  >>> morning, maybe 6 a.m., I don't remember exactly.  We stopped at the 
  >>> front desk, then waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes.  Back to a 
  >>> little room for paperwork, then back to the waiting room for maybe 5 
  >>> minutes.  A nurse came to get me to go up to the surgical floor.  this 
  >>> is where my husband, and presumably Monty if I had taken him, departed 
  >>> my company. More paperwork, preop stuff, started an IV and then I was 
  >>> wheeled into surgery.  I was not given general anesthetic and I was 
  >>> conscious and talking to the surgeon during the last half of the 
  >>> procedure.  I did not experience any pain. the experience wasn't scary, 
  >>> weird or unsettling. After surgery I was taken to my recovery room, 
  >>> where I met up with my husband again.  Recovery was simply a large 
  >>> recliner with excellent chocolate chip cookies and the cutest little 
  >>> cans of Coke.  More paperwork, a trip to the bathroom, snacks stayed put 
  >>> and I was headed home.  I was very unsteady on my feet for the first 
  >>> day.  I did need the assistance of a person to walk with me so I 
  >>> wouldn't tip over. *smile*  I took it very easy for the first couple of 
  >>> days.  I was working Monty for very short walks within a few days.  I 
  >>> was back to work in a week.
  >>> No idea what your surgeon has planned or if this is at all how your 
  >>> experience will be.  I was home by lunch the same day and saw no need to 
  >>> stress Monty by taking him.  For me I believe having him there would 
  >>> have been more stressful for both of us.  He was safe at home with Belle 
  >>> and his toys.
  >>> I hope you find what works for you.  My understanding is that if you 
  >>> choose to take Franklin, he should be able to accompany you throughout 
  >>> the portions of your stay where your family is allowed.
  >>> Julie
  >>> On 8/1/2011 7:10 PM, Sean Moore wrote:
  >>>> I'm going in for a enucleation surgery (Removal of the eye). I'm 
  >>>> planning on having my blind-right eye removed. do to glaucoma.
  >>>> Causing maddening pain and headaches daily.
  >>>> !st. Wondering how to handle Franklin before going in.
  >>>> 2. Can I have him in my recovery room?
  >>>> Some other stuff in my brain but not sure what right now.
  >>>> Oh yeah my parents are planning on coming down for it. Since I know I 
  >>>> won't be walking out of Hostpital possiblae same day.
  >>>> ----------------
  >>>> Yours,
  >>>> Sean Moore and
  >>>> Southeastern Guide Dog, Franklin
  >>>> Contact Information
  >>>> Home: 229-594-2783
  >>>> Cell: (478) 258-4103
  >>>> Verizon Wireless network, free nights after 9PM EST, unlimited text 
  >>>> messeges.
  >>>> E-Mail:  sean.moore at mediacombb.net<mailto:sean.moore at mediacombb.net> / linkstarwind at cox.net<mailto:linkstarwind at cox.net>
  >>>> Website: Http://Baltox1.bravehost.net<http://baltox1.bravehost.net/>
  >>>> Instant Messaging
  >>>> AIM: BaltoX1
  >>>> Yahoo: ginsenshi2001
  >>>> Windows Live Messager: linkstarwind at cox.net<mailto:linkstarwind at cox.net>
  >>>> Skype: ginsenshi
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