[nagdu] dogs with transportation

Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire orleans24 at comcast.net
Tue Aug 2 17:00:39 UTC 2011

Thankfully when I've flown with other air carriers, I didn't have too many 
problems with flight tenants.
If one tried to pull that mess on me, I'd definitely ask for proof and 
request that it is read to me directly.
I was definitely left alone, especially when it came to Odie for the most 
Sometimes, I think some people put their feet up in their mouves before 
really doing their homework.
just last night as I was navigating through the Community Center in my 
apartment complex withoutt having a cane or Odie with me, another resident 
began asking me, "Where's your cane?"
I told him that just because I'm blind doesn't mean I continuously have to 
use my cane when I'm in the building.
I indicated to that resident that I currently don't have my white cane for 
right now as I actually lost it.
*Telling the truth here*
Finally after a while, he left me alone.
Because I have good echo location hearing when I walk around in my apartment 
complex, I usually don't utilize to my cane or dog unless I absolutely have 
to venture outtdoors away from my apartment complex.
Bibi and retired Odie 

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