[nagdu] NFB and Dogs
Bob Hicks
bob at seeinghandassociation.com
Mon Aug 15 12:21:21 UTC 2011
Hi Ann. Thank you for the very informative recap. I have nothing but
praise for your very tactful presentation of the facts. thank you!
Best regards,
Bob Hicks
Access Technology Specialist
Seeing Hand Association, Inc.
<bob at seeinghandassociation.com>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ann Edie" <annedie at nycap.rr.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] NFB and Dogs
> Hi, Dan and everyone,
> It seems as if I've known about guide dogs all my life, and since I've
> always loved animals and always had pet dogs and other animals, I just
> grew up knowing that I wanted to have a guide dog some day. Of course, I
> grew up as a "partial", and in those days we weren't even taught to use a
> cane, although I was far from capable of being an independent traveler
> without such mobility aids. So, for a long time I thought I had too much
> vision to get a guide dog.
> I also grew up in the shadow of The Seeing Eye, so I absorbed a lot of
> that organization's propaganda, or, I mean, public information. I
> believed the message that guide dog handlers were the cream of the
> blindness crop, as it were, the most competent, independent, and
> integrated into the general society. So, of course, I aspired to that
> same status.
> I had my first in-depth exposure to a guide dog when I attended a summer
> camp for blind children, and we had a blind man for a music counselor who
> had a German shepherd from the Seeing Eye. Typically, I don't remember
> the man's name, but I do remember the dog's name; it was Gem. I do
> remember trying to sit close enough to the counselor to sneak a pet of his
> dog during our music classes. I also remember that the man would put a
> muzzle on his dog one day a week, just to make sure the dog was accustomed
> to wearing the muzzle, as it was still a rule at that time that dogs could
> be ordered to be muzzled on public transportation, if the driver asked for
> it. And one day a week, the man would not work his dog in harness, but
> would heel him on leash instead, just to give the dog a day off."
> I also remember that in the suburban town where I lived, there were always
> rumors flying about a man who had another GSD guide dog from the Seeing
> Eye. The man, like many of the working men in the town, would walk to the
> town's train station and take the train into NYC to work. Rumor had it
> that this man was very mean to his dog, and that the man would often jerk
> hard on the leash and hit or kick the dog because the dog would balk at
> going up the very steep and high steps to the train cars that we had in
> those days. They said that the dog was afraid of the train and would
> cringe and whine. Everyone pitied the poor dog, but I guess they were
> afraid to question the man and I guess no one thought of the idea of
> calling the school to express their concerns. Of course, in those days
> dog handling techniques were much harsher than those we have available
> today.
> I don't remember hearing anything much about the NFB when I was a child,
> although I can see why the NFB leadership put so much emphasis on the use
> of the white cane, because both blind people and the use of the white cane
> were pretty much disrespected and discounted by the professionals who
> worked with blind people at that time. I can remember some rehab
> counselors laughing and joking about sending us New Jersey kids out to
> Iowa, if we didn't behave the way they thought good little blind teenagers
> should behave. That was back in the days when Kenneth Jernigan headed the
> Iowa Commission for the Blind, I believe. So I don't think they thought
> much of the NFB and its philosophy.
> When I finally did get my first guide dog in 1991, after several years of
> using the cane full-time as my mobility device, I celebrated this as a
> further advancing step into independence as a blind traveler. And I was
> pleased by the positive effects the use of the guide dog seemed to have on
> my image as an independent blind person with members of the general
> public. So I was quite startled and shocked when I attended my first
> National NFB Convention in 1993, as a member of that year's scholarship
> class, to feel a definite prejudice against guide dog users as less
> competent and independent travelers than those who used the long white
> cane, and certainly having less potential to become leaders within the
> organization.
> I can understand why the cane using leadership of the NFB objected to the
> messages coming out of the guide dog training programs which portrayed the
> dogs as giving dignity to pitiful blind people and portrayed the guide dog
> handler as the elite among the blind. But at the same time, I don't think
> the NFB leadership should have attempted to build up the image of the cane
> traveler by knocking down the image of the guide dog user. I sincerely
> hope that by this point in our history as a civil rights movement, that we
> can all respect the mobility decisions of our comrades and accept them as
> equally worthy of first class citizenship both within the society in
> general and within the blind community.
> While I'm on the subject of change within organizations, I will fast
> forward to 2001, when I attended the National Convention of the NFB in
> Philadelphia. That year, one of the hot topics was the recent emergence of
> an organization which proposed to train miniature horses to serve as
> guides for blind people. At the time, I was exploring this new mobility
> option for myself, and I had followed with some distress the unfolding
> saga of the strident opposition of NAGDU leadership to the Guide Horse
> Foundation and to the whole idea of miniature horse guides. There had
> been an "exposee" of the Guide Horse Foundation written by the NAGDU
> leaders of the time and published in the Braille Monitor, I think in April
> of that year. And I knew that there was a resolution in the works to
> express the NFB's opposition to the GHF and the use of miniature horses as
> guides.
> During the convention, I made a point of seeking out and speaking with the
> NAGDU president and other leaders who were proposing the resolution, to
> attempt to bring a bit of perspective to their views. But I was not very
> successful in this. I also attended the meeting of the Resolutions
> Committee, (or was it a meeting of the Board of Directors?), at which
> proposed resolutions are discussed and prepared for presentation to the
> entire convention for adoption. At that meeting, only members of the
> committee and the people proposing resolutions are permitted to speak.
> However, the large and quite boisterous audience certainly made their
> feelings known about the notion of miniature horses as guides, through the
> frequent gales of laughter, clip-clopping and loud neighing and whinnying
> sounds that filled the hall when the resolution against guide horses was
> brought up. It was obvious that the organization's leadership and
> membership had already made up its collective mind about this subject, and
> that they considered it an opportunity for high fribolity and good
> comeraderie at the expense of benighted do-gooders who knew nothing about
> blind people or their mobility needs. While NAGDU was congratulating
> itself on the fact that the NFB leadership was demonstrating its
> acceptance of guide dog handlers and of NAGDU as a full equal among NFB
> divisions by actually considering a resolution proposed by NAGDU, I was
> again left wondering why blind people had to try to enhance their own
> value by knocking down others for simply thinking or doing something
> differently from the way they themselves thought or did things. It was
> obvious to me that these people knew nothing about miniature horses or
> their potential as guide animals, and that they were just operating on
> misconceptions and stereotypes, the same type of behavior the NFB was
> organized to fight on behalf of blind people. In the end, of course, the
> revised anti-guide-horse resolution was passed by the full convention.
> And as far as I know, it has never been repudiated or modified by
> subsequent action of the NFB.
> This being said, in the years since 2001, and despite the fact that I did
> choose to obtain a miniature horse guide for my own use and have been
> successfully and happily working with that guide partner for over eight
> years now, I have remained a member of NAGDU and have benefited from the
> support of many NAGDU members and the information and discussions of
> numerous topics on this NAGDU e-mail list. I have never been asked to
> leave the list and have never been denied membership in NAGDU nor any
> benefit of that membership. NAGDU's current President was even gracious
> enough to put in a good word for guide horse users in the public comments
> which led up to the recent revisions in the regulations concerning service
> animals under the ADA. The new regulations, in the end, did restrict the
> definition of service animals to dogs and, with some additional caviots,
> miniature horses, while all other species were denied the designation as
> service animals under the ADA, which was a strong vindication of miniature
> horses as legitimate service animals.
> In summary, it is my impression that within the NFB, cane users still
> enjoy a better image as competent, independent blind people than do guide
> dog users, although this would probably no longer be openly admitted.
> However, in society in general, I think guide dog users are more highly
> thought of (although not consciously) than cane using blind people. As
> for those of us who have chosen to work with miniature horses as our guide
> animals, while we may still be the objects of ridicule to many among the
> NFB leaders and perhaps to some other blind people, we are undeserved, but
> definite, celebrities among the general public. To me, it is always an
> interesting experience to feel the changes in one's own status and regard
> as one moves between settings and groups and communities, from family, to
> educational setting, to professional settings, to foreign countries, and
> to special interest sub-communities, such as blindness organizations, and
> groups organized around politics, beliefs, or interests, and to observe
> how the different opinions of people around one can mess with one's mind
> and affect one's own self-image and self-esteem.
> As always, thanks for the opportunity for an interesting discussion and
> exchange of thoughts.
> Best,
> Ann
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Weiner" <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] NFB and Dogs
>>I know, what I'll do to respect other people is I'll put a big zip lock
>> over my dog so they won't have to touch him, be licked or anything else.
>> That way I can be totally respectful and all the dog guide-haters will
>> just
>> love me for being such a good sport.
>> I'll punch some holes in the front part so my dog can breath, and woops,
>> I'll need some way for him to actually see so he can guide me.
>> The proceeding was sarcasm.
>> If you want an example of the reasons for concern among dog users of the
>> NFB
>> try to find and read the October 1995 Monitor which was dedicated solely
>> to
>> guide dog bashing.
>> Fortunately, either more tolerance is abroad in the land or those who
>> feel
>> that dog guides are abhorrent have toned their public remonstrations down
>> or
>> changed their mind.
>> I have never been happy with how the NFB centers deal with guide dog
>> issues,
>> and especially with the case of Stephanie Doman, (spelling)? In the Iowa
>> Center.
>> I know that just the average Federationist like me is not intolerant and
>> I
>> like my Greater Orlando chapter and I have been in the Federation since I
>> was a kid-smile.
>> I believe that, at the risk of flattering Marion, that his leadership of
>> NAGDU has done a lot to change the situation and I applaud him, plus I've
>> known the guy for 20 years and if he can put up with me then he must be a
>> great guy--lol.
>> Now, here's an interesting question.
>> Thos e of us who have dogs now, what was our impression of guide dogs
>> before
>> we got a dog?
>> I always loved dogs and thought a guide dog was a wonderful idea.
>> My thing was that I met a few people over the years who seemed to be
>> control
>> freaks and I felt sorry for the dogs.
>> I'd meet people who were correcting or shouting "phooey" at the dog and I
>> said to myself "poor dog, why do I want to get a dog if I need to scold
>> it
>> all the time".
>> Then I met other people like Sherri Brun from Orlando who were great to
>> their dogs and the dogs themselves were adorable.
>> Now, as a guide dog user I know things happen, people need to correct,
>> and
>> so on, butt's interesting to think back on that.
>> Dan W. and the Carter Nut
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