[nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this organization
Marion Gwizdala
blind411 at verizon.net
Fri Aug 19 12:49:22 UTC 2011
I realize yor position. It is my commitment to those who have elected me
to be accountable for my actions and that of NAGDU. As I stated in my reply,
your question is a valid one. What I am presenting are the objective facts.
Fidelco has made no effort to refute the facts presented.
Fraternally yours,
From: "Steven Johnson" <blinddog3 at charter.net>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
> Marion, your explanation is very thorough, and just to let you know, I had
> no concerns, but felt that there might be questions from others as to
> NAGDU's process and involvement when addressing such issues. Talk with
> you
> on Sunday:)
> Steve Johnson, WAGDU President
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Marion Gwizdala
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 7:20 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
> organization
> Steve,
> You ask a very good question and deserve an equally good answer. Let me
> start by saying that I am a professional in the Mental health field. As
> such, I am required by the profession to abide by a code of ethics
> governing
> my behavior and my relationships with those who seek my services. "Ethics"
> is informally defined as "conformity to the unenforceable". In other
> words,
> there are generally no penalties for violating a code of ethics, unless
> such
> violations rise to the level of crimes. At the same time, there are
> internal
> measures that membership organizations can take should a member violate
> the
> code of ethics.
> The short answer to your question is that Fidelco has no incentive to
> speak to anyone about this; not the consumer and not the consumer's
> representative. This being said, the consumer who was the subject of the
> article in the Braille Monitor attempted to obtain information from
> Fidelco
> about the status of the dog Fidelco portrayed as "undergoing evaluation"
> and
> Fidelco's agreement stated she owns. Fidelco refused to discuss this
> issue
> with her, citing their ownership agreement, specifically, in Eliot
> Russman's
> own words to me "paragraph 'd', like dog". This paragraph gives Fidelco
> the
> "sole and absolute" authority to repossess a dog at any time for any
> reason.
> They do not need to give an explanation nor engage any due process,
> behavior
> that is generally unacceptable in the realm of consumer rights. The
> subject
> of the article, unable to resolve the issue, sought the assistance of the
> National Federation of the Blind who referred her to me.
> I secured a release of information form authorizing Fidelco to speak to
> me about these concerns in the hope of resolving the issue with a
> reasonable
> explanation. Under most codes of ethics, given a signed release, the
> parties
> of the release are allowed to speak to each other and share information
> that
> is covered by the release as if the person to whom the information is
> being
> shared is the idnividual who makes the release. Mr. Russman would not
> accept
> the release as validd because it was not notarized, something that is not
> generally required under such circumstances. He further asserted that he
> could not verify the signature on the form was that of the consumer, in
> spite of the fact that I am certain he had several other forms bearing her
> signature to which he could compare it, a simple fact he even refused to
> acknowledge. He refused to offer a valid release and refused to even
> answer
> my question of whether or not he would speak to me if it were notarized.
> So, the long answer is that Fidelco - or any other training program -
> has no incentive to speak to anyone else about the concerns of a consumer,
> including the consumer. It is, however, the right and ethical thing to do.
> Unless, that is, there is another motivation to operate in secrecy. If
> Fidelco has done nothing illegal or unethical, why would they not want to
> operate in the sunshine?
> Concerned about the treatment of consumers and volunteers, a group of
> stakeholders arranged a meeting with Eliot Russman and some of the members
> of the Board. Some of the Board members were not invited to this meeting,
> a
> fact that is a bit curious. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the
> issues of concern to these stakeholders. Some of them traveled a great
> distance to attend the meeting. Rather than approaching a resolution to
> any
> of the concerns brought forth by the stakeholders, the Board refused to
> respond to any of their concerns, stating it was priveleged information.
> Why
> did the Board even allow the meeting to happen and cause people to incur
> the
> expense of time and money to attend the meeting, knowing they were only
> going to remain silent? How can NAGDU, whose purpose is the protection of
> the consumer, stand by idly and allow consumers to be maltreated?
> Though no guide dog training program has any obligation to speak with
> us, if they are indeed interested in providing effective services to the
> individuals we represent, why would they not seek our input and be
> forthright with us? They have no obligation to do so, but it is the right
> and ethical thing to do.
> fraternally yours,
> Marion Gwizdala, President
> National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
> National Federation of the Blind
> 813-626-2789
> President at NAGDU.ORG
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steven Johnson" <blinddog3 at charter.net>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 9:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
> organization
>> Just to put a little twist on this, just out of curiosity, why would a
>> school want to give any information to NAGDU at all? I think inquiring
>> minds might like to know. Devils' advocate...perhaps, but I believe the
>> list deserves to really understand what rights NAGDU has to such
>> information? Please spell this out for all to read.
>> Thanks for responding,
>> Steve Johnson, WAGDU President
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Tina Thomas
>> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:49 PM
>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
>> organization
>> Why wouldn't we print the truth on this list. As far as the negativity
>> goes,
>> graduates approached us with concerns, we did not single out Fidelco. So
>> far you are the only one w we have heard from who has given positive
>> feedback about the school. Oh as far as being embarrassed, I have total
>> confidence in our leadership and I know for a fact that the NAGDU board
>> of
>> directors are unbiased towards any guide dog program. However, at the
>> same
>> time, if graduates come to us with concerns and or evidence of misconduct
>> on
>> behalf of a school, we will investigate the claims.
>> Tina
>> NAGDU Board Member
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Bryan Brown
>> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 11:10 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
>> organization
>> Reinhard,
>> I was just recently placed with my second Fidelco dog. I am very happy
>> with the dogs and the service that I have received from Fidelco.
>> There are a few people who have a negative opinion about Fidelco on this
>> list. I encourage you to take a look at the facts. The people who have
>> complained about Fidelco have remained anonymous and none of the
>> allegations
>> have been proven or substantiated.
>> I feel that when the truth of these matters eventually comes to the
>> surface
>> you will probably not hear about it on this list. Many people will be
>> embarrassed and the faith that current NAGDU members have in their
>> leadership will be unforgettably shaken.
>> I am a strong supporter of Fidelco and what the organization stands for.
>> Please feel free to contact me off list at
>> bryanbrown at solarus.biz
>> if you would like to.
>> thanks,
>> Bryan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "reinhard stebner" <rwstebner at aol.com>
>> To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:40 AM
>> Subject: [nagdu] fidelco guide dogs, what do you think of this
>> organization
>>> Good day to you,
>>> I just joined this list in hopes of getting opinions of Fidelco guide
>>> dogs.
>>> 1) What have you thought about Fidelco dogs? I recently say a Braille
>>> monitor article about one users bad experience with Fidelco. I had
>>> applied for a dog from them in February and was just approved to get a
>>> guide from them. After reading the article, I have doubts if I have
>>> made
>>> the correct decision with attending this guide school.
>>> 2) All of the dogs that I have seen from this school have been very well
>>> trained and respond well to their handlers. I wanted a German Shepherd
>>> and did not have time to go to a traditional school. I have had poor
>>> matches from other schools and wanted to give a smaller school a try.
>>> Any constructive feedback is welcome about guide dogs schools. I want
>>> to
>>> make sure I am making the best possible decision and not have issues
>>> with
>>> he school.
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