[nagdu] A Message from a Fidelco Volunteer

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Sat Aug 20 15:44:47 UTC 2011

I do wish we knew what the volunteers' concerns are.  In other words, this 
is good but I'd just like to know what they observed.

Margo and Arrow
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marion Gwizdala" <blind411 at verizon.net>
To: "NAGDU List" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 8:03 AM
Subject: [nagdu] A Message from a Fidelco Volunteer

> Dear All,
>    I have frequently referred to correspondence I have received from 
> others concerned about the direction of Fidelco. Some believe that I 
> exaggerate the concerns, alleging that my criticism of Fidelco is designed 
> to, in some way, further my political agenda. For this reason, I thought 
> it would be helpful to read what others have written on the subject. 
> Pasted below is correspondence I have received from one volunteer. I have 
> included the message in its entirety, redacting only the individuals 
> names, since I do not have their permission to divulge their information. 
> This message was received via email on June 30, 2011.
> Mr. Gwizdala:
> We are writing you with regard to your posting and article in the April 
> 2011 Braille Monitor.  We are not visually impaired but have been active 
> volunteers and donors to the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation for over 22 
> years.  We housed a breed dog, raised a foster pup, volunteered in the 
> kennel and puphouse areas and participated in numerous events over the 
> years as well as knowing both Charlie and Robbie Kaman.
> We followed your posting and article with interest as we have witnessed 
> widespread negative  (in our opinion) change in the organization we loved 
> and supported for so many years.  On June 10, 2011, we wrote a letter to 
> all of the members of Fidelco's Board of Directors (mailed to their homes) 
> outlining several areas of concern. We asked only that the Board undertake 
> its own independent research and fact finding within the organization. One 
> of the areas of concern was what we perceived to be a deterioration in the 
> reputation of Fidelco within the visually-impaired community.  We actually 
> enclosed a copy of your original posting and your April 2011 Braille 
> Monitor item as one of the exhibits in our letter.
> Please understand that we do not have any personal knowledge of the 
> training department, placement decisions or decisions regarding the 
> repossession of guide dogs from handlers.  We will tell you however, that 
> our letter outlining what we felt were legitimate, documented observations 
> and concerns was met with a return certified letter to us from Mr. Russman 
> stating that "The Board also has asked me to convey that, based on your 
> expressed dissatisfaction with Fidelco, it believes it to be in everyone's 
> best interest that you cease all activity with Fidelco including volunteer 
> efforts and financial donations."  Until receipt of that letter, {my wife} 
> had been spending 1/2 day per week volunteering in the Puppy Raiser 
> Department at Mr. Russman's request.
> In our case, what we felt were well-thought-out feedback and concerns 
> brought forward in a professional, documented way were summarily dismissed 
> by management and the Board of Directors and resulted in our "dismissal" 
> as volunteers and donors.  We have personally been approached by 
> employees, puppy raisers and those housing breed dogs who will not come 
> forward with concerns or questions fearing that their dogs will be taken 
> from them.
> In short, Mr. Gwizdala, sadly you could not have made a more valid comment 
> than "the Fidelco of 2005 is not the same Fidelco with which we are 
> dealing today".  We just thought you should know that unfortunately,  your 
> astute observation appears to us to apply across the board within the 
> Fidelco organization.  We are greatly saddened by this development.
>    So, there you have it from someone else's perspective. This writer has 
> been the victim of retaliation when the only agenda was to ask some 
> questions in an effort to improve the organization.
> Fraternally yours,
> Marion Gwizdala
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