[nagdu] Fwd: [Seeingeye-l] message from TSA
Cindy Ray
cindyray at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 03:17:53 UTC 2011
Someone from the Seeing Eye List sent this. More information should be forthcoming, I think.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Becky Frankeberger" <b.butterfly at comcast.net>
> Subject: [Seeingeye-l] message from TSA
> Date: December 22, 2011 9:07:05 PM CST
> To: "'Discussions Of The Seeing Eye'" <seeingeye-l at list.web.net>
> Dear Colleagues:
> On the quarterly TSA Disability Coalition teleconference held last week, we
> informed our members that TSA planned to launch TSA Cares, a toll-free
> helpline to provide information and assistance to passengers with
> disabilities and medical conditions and their families before they fly. We
> are excited to announce that TSA Cares is now available and accepting calls.
> Travelers may call TSA Cares toll free at 1-855-787-2227 prior to traveling
> with questions about screening policies, procedures and what to expect at
> the security checkpoint. Travelers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a
> relay service to contact TSA Cares or can e-mail TSA-ContactCenter at dhs.gov.
> The hours of operation for the TSA Cares helpline are Monday through Friday
> 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. EST, excluding federal holidays. After hours, travelers can
> find information about traveling with disabilities and medical needs on
> TSA's website at:
> http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/disabilityandmedicalneeds/
> When a passenger with a disability or medical condition calls TSA Cares, a
> representative will provide assistance, either with information about
> screening that is relevant to the passenger's specific disability or medical
> condition, or the passenger may be referred to disability experts at TSA.
> TSA recommends that passengers call approximately 72 hours ahead of travel
> so that TSA Cares has the opportunity to coordinate checkpoint support with
> a TSA Customer Service Manager located at the airport when necessary.
> TSA will issue a press release regarding TSA Cares later today, as well as
> making information about TSA Cares available on www.tsa.gov. We will provide
> you with the specific link to TSA Cares information when it becomes active,
> as well as a link to the official press release.
> We urge you to spread the word about TSA Cares so that those you represent
> have access to information about screening that is specific to their
> disabilities or medical conditions. As always, the staff from the Office of
> Disability Policy and Outreach will be available to you to assist with
> disseminating information about TSA Cares.
> Thank you for your continued participation and support. We look forward to
> improving the screening experience for passengers through TSA Cares.
> Sincerely,
> Kimberly Walton, Special Counselor
> Transportation Security Administration
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